Tuesday 29 September 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 26: The Finale

Episode 26
"The Finale"

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Taiha:  *sighs*... Finale day already?... It sure did take long enough!

Taiha: I think I got a great venue... It cost a lot but it was TOTALLY worth it. It kinda looks like some kinda award ceremony. Like the Oscars or something.

Taiha: Plenty of room for all the guests and audience... Plus the paparazzi! And look at all the doors with the prizes behind them! Can't wait for this show to get on the road.

Amanda: Um... Miss Anderson? When is the show going to begin? 
Lucky: Where are all the people?! The guests... The audience?! Wasn't this supposed to start at five?

Taiha: Woah! I didn't see you guys there... It doesn't start until 7:30... And everyone will be here... Sometime soon... I hope.

Amanda: Well... I guess we'll come back later then... I have my chess club at 7:42 precisely.
Lucky: I have to go play poker with.. some friends... 
Taiha: What?!

Amanada and Lucky: We're leaving!
Eric: We are?
Taiha: Guys don't leave! It's gonna be an epic finale! There's special guests and cameras and lots of awesome stuff!

Taiha: Don't you wanna see the winner?! Lucky it could be Regina! Amanda, don't you have faith in Leroy?!
Amanda and Lucky: We'll watch it later online. Goodbye!
Taiha: But all the live action stuff!!!

Taiha: At least you're sticking around Eric!
Eric: I'm here to cheer for Kayle. Team Kayle all the way!
Taiha: Nawwww... That's so sweet!

*       *       *

Taiha: Are we live? Has it begun?! 

Taiha: Tonight, we have a line of guests who we hope will be arriving... We have a roaring audience here live at the stage here with us tonight!
Eric: Roar?
Taiha: Thanks! Keep it up Eric!

Taiha: Tonight, we will find out who will be our winner, and who will be the runner-up... We'll have our ex-contestants here with us along the way... Speaking of which our first ex-contestant has arrived!

Taiha: Here we have Devon Chapman... Who sadly, came in 8th place and had to quit the show due to an unforeseen family emergency!

Devon: Hmm... Not quite the audience I was expecting... But this sure is beautiful!

Taiha: Devon, welcome to the show! Are you ready to see one of your friends become a million dollars richer?
Devon: I'm more than ready! I couldn't be happier to be a witness to something so great!

Taiha: Awesome! Take a seat over there.
Devon: VIP seats? Amazing! Do we get catering or drinks?
Taiha: Sadly not... You're busy being a guest rather than our caterer.
Devon: Hehe. True!

Taiha: Well... It seems that the crowd thought that joke was hilarious.
Eric: Oh... Right... Ha! Ha!
Taiha: Thanks... Where is everyone?!

Taiha: In a more positive note... We have 8 exciting rainbow doors to unlock that only Regina, Leroy and Kayle have the keys to! Behind each of them is a prize... One is the first place prize and another is a second place prize! The rest? Consolation prizes! 

Taiha: Here comes our 7th place-r... Shiawasena Babekyuguriru! I hope I pronounced that right. I am so sorry if I didn't.
Shia: こんにちは!それはここに喜びです!

Shia: Of course I will sign your autograph, random fan!... Uh... Lightpost?... I do not mind. どういたしまして

Taiha: Shia! Welcome to finale night... Welcome to the finale night... Wait... I just said that. Man, live shows are hard to do!
Shia: I am very glad to be here.
Taiha: Please have a seat next to Devon!

Shia: Devon. You look very stunning tonight.
Devon: Oh... Why thank you Shia! You look great too!

Taiha: Our third eliminated contestant... Coming in 6th place. Zaire Legend!

Zaire: Yo? Where are all the people at?! Where are the fans?! The paparazzi? This isn't what you promised.

Taiha: Welcome to the finale... Zaire you can go have seat and Maia will be ne-... Oh... You guys didn't go so well did you?
Zaire: Yeah... Not really... I don't mind. We're friends!
Taiha: Well go have a seat next to Shia. Thanks for making it!

Taiha: Oh My Grey! What is going on over there?! Is that...?

Taiha: Really?! What else could go wrong?! Where did you get your licenses?

Noah: Thanks for having such a bad driver!
Maia: That was NOT my fault... Don't be angry at me!
Noah: Maybe if you weren't late it wouldn't have happened!
Maia: Where are all the fans? I was expecting a lot of screaming!

Noah: *screams quietly* Happy?
Maia: I just had a car crash. What do you think?!

Taiha: Settle down guys... It was just an accident... I'll get the non-existent security and backstage crew to help clean up that mess.
Taiha: Everyone meet our 5th place and 4th place, Maia Wilkes and Noah Blackburn respectively... Noah is the boy. Maia is the girl... Just to help clarify.

Zaire: Hey Maia... You look pretty tonight!
Maia: Thanks Zaire.
Shia: Ooooh. Fiesty.

Noah: I have to sit over here all by myself? That's a bit harsh.
Taiha: It's where the finalists are gonna sit! Since you almost made it.
Noah: Oh! Wicked! I get to sit with the finalists?!

Taiha: Lets have some interviews with the ex-contestants about their time on the show... Anyone got any questions?... Oh right. No one is here. How about a montage of the season?... Wait... the Tech People aren't here either. 

Taiha: It doesn't matter because the three finalists just arrived behind the unfixed car crash!

Taiha: Please welcome, finalist number 1, with 2 keys... Regina Hurst!

Taiha: Please welcome our second finalist, with 2 keys as well... Everyone's favourite brother! Leroy Jordan!

Taiha: And our final finalists... Hehe... With a total of 4 KEYS! Kayle McCarther!
Kayle: Who is wearing an awesome finale dress! Don't forget that!
Taiha: How could we forget?

Taiha: Welcome contestants to the stage! Sadly, not everyone showed up... Or anyone really. However, we have got one member of the audience here and all of your ex-contestant friends to wish you good luck!

Eric: Hey Kayle!
Kayle: Eric! Hi!!!
Everyone: *claps* Good luck!

Taiha: Each of you have 2 or in Kayle's case more keys... Each of them will unlock their respective coloured doors. Each of these doors contain a prize that was pre-selected before the season began.

Taiha: Regina!

Taiha: Leroy!

Taiha: Kayle!

Taiha: One of you is about to become a millionaire! I wish you all good luck. Please take a seat and we'll begin with some questions!

Taiha: Now who shall we start with for the interviews?!

Taiha: Kayle! Talk us through you outfit tonight and then tell us how confident you are that you'll win tonight!
Kayle: Well... My outfit is a pretty blue dress... The earrings were from my mother who sadly passed away... And I have a necklace that was a gift from my father... Who was supposed to be here.

Taiha: Hold on... A LOT of people were supposed to be here. Was there a typo on the invitations? Does anyone know this is going on?!

Eric: I knew this was going on!... Kayle, your outfit looks stunning! 
Kayle: Awww! Thank you Eric!

Taiha: Leroy. How are you doing? Are you sad that your sister couldn't make it tonight?
Leroy: I'm nervous and excited! I wanna see what goes down tonight. I hope for the win, if not... Second place... Or some awesome prizes!
Noah: How did I get so far away? When did the chairs move?!

Taiha: How much would it mean to you if you won?
Leroy: Since I'm attempting to win to help my sister live a better life and possibly to save her live too! If I were to win... It would all be to help her. Family is the most important thing in this world!
Taiha: Nawwww!

Taiha: Regina... You've battled hard this season. With only two keys... How do you think your chances are of winning?
Regina: I'm just happy to have made it to the end! I think I have as good a chance as anyone... Except Kayle... 1/4 is never as good as 1/2... But I'll give it my best shot! I'm feeling Lucky!

Taiha: What you and Lucky do in your spare time... I don't wanna know.
Regina: What?! No! Ew!

Noah: Good luck final 3! I wish I was in your seats.
Kayle: You kind of are... We wish everyone could be finalists and have a key!

Taiha: 8 doors to open... 8 keys... Lets begin with the first one. 

Taiha: Eric... As the only audience member this evening... Care to choose a door/colour?!
Eric: Lets go with... Dark Blue?

Taiha: Dark Blue... This is the "E" Key... Found by Regina.

Taiha: Regina. Head to the Dark Blue Door... And test you key.
Regina: I didn't have any pockets... Could you turn the camera away so I can get it out of  my bra?
Taiha: Sadly... We cannot.
Regina: Ugh. Perverts.

Regina: Alright... Here it goes!

Taiha: No pressure... Good luck... Also... I lied. There IS pressure! It's a million bucks!

*The Door Is Being Unlocked*

Taiha: Come on! Tell us what you see! What is in there?

Regina: Uhhh... A lot of Dark Blue... And... A boat?

*       *       *

Taiha: Congratulations Regina, you've won yourself your own 5 Day Cruise Holiday around Isla Paradiso aboard the SS Simm courtesy of our sponsors!

*       *       *

Taiha: That's you prize for after the show... However, it's not the winning prize... So please kindly, take your seat!

Taiha: One down... 6 amazing prizes to go and only 1 amazing million dollar win to be found!

Taiha: Devon. As you were the first eliminated, care to pick the next door?
Devon: I'll pick the Grey-ish... White-ish... Door.

Taiha: The Grey Door! Which was the "U" Key picked by Leroy!

Taiha: Alright Leroy... You only have two keys... Hopefully this is something good for you!
Leroy: Like a million dollars? That would be awesome!
Taiha: Open it and see!

Leroy: Here it goes! Wish me luck... Not the bad kind though. I have enough of that!

*The door can be heard unlocking*

Taiha: Leroy... We need some narration... What do you see? A million dollars?

Leroy: A lot of white and cream stuff... With a table... With a tablet? Is it worth a million dollars?

*       *       *

Taiha: Leroy, you have won yourself a portable computer tablet device thing, courtesy of our sponsors at Simsung! Con-cats!

*       *       *

Leroy: Please God... Let my other key be the million dollars... A tablet will NOT save my sisters life.

Taiha: It seems like Kayle has all the keys in her possession now. Should we take a break or go to the next one?
Kayle: Next one! I can't stand the suspense!

Taiha: Shia. You were next out... Pick a colour!
Shia: I pick yellow. がんばろう!

Taiha: The Yellow Door... This was the "J" Key found by Kayle!

Taiha: Seems like everyone is having a turn tonight! That won't last...Kayle give it your best shot!

*The door can be heard unlocking*

Kayle: Woah! A Car?! Leroy I have your prize! Oh no!

*       *       *

Taiha: Congratulations to Kayle... You have won a Simsa VFN Kompensator. A snazzy new car!

*       *       *

Taiha: Well... Everyone has a prize so far... Some more expensive and exciting than others...

Leroy: Woah cool! This thing gets wifi... AND it has games on it! Sweet! 

Shia: That tablet should be MINE!

Taiha: Zaire! Would you care to pick the next door?
Zaire: Sure Taiha. I'll pick green!

Taiha: The green door... This was the "H" key... The first key found which was by Kayle!

Kayle: Again!? Awesome! I hope I get the million this time! It would be funny considering its the first key!

Leroy: Dude! I'm streaming this finale on my new tablet! It's awesome!
Noah: Leroy... You're AT the finale.
Leroy: Yeah but this is in HD!

Taiha: Good luck!

*The door can be heard unlocking*

Taiha: And the crowd goes wild!
Eric: *cheers* Yay!
Taiha: Perfect.

Kayle: A TV? No exactly a million dollars is it?

*       *       *

Taiha: Congratulations! You have won an awesome new flat-screen TV courtesy of our sponsors at Simsung! Now you can watch your favourite shows in awesome HD quality!

*       *       *

Kayle: Sweet! I have a lot of shows to catch up on!
Regina: Me too girl! Those soap operas aren't gonna catch themselves up.
Taiha: Maybe you can both catch up and have a marathon? Can I join?! We can watch all the shows Grey was on... Or a montage of cat videos!
Kayle: Sounds like a plan!

Taiha: Maia! Would you like to pick our next door?
Maia: Certainly. I am loving Devon's dress so I'll pick Red!

Taiha: The red door... With the red "G" key which was most recently won by Kayle!

Kayle: Three in a row? That's awesome! And this one is so much closer so I don't have to walk so far!

Kayle: I hope red is a good sign.

Taiha: My experience on The Mole says otherwise... But feel free to enter now!

Kayle: A fridge?... Woah! It looks so... Fridge-y.
Taiha: Congratulations Kayle... You have won a brand new double-door fridge to store all of Devon's leftovers in!
Devon: Who says there will be leftovers?!

*       *       *

Kayle: I have Orange Juice... This door opening business is a lot of work!

Taiha: We're running low on people and on doors... Everyone only has one key left... This is tense!

Taiha: Noah! Our final eliminated contestant, pick a door!
Noah: Light blue! Like my shirt!

Taiha: The Light Blue door... Which is the "O" Key. Which Leroy has!

Leroy: Wait... Let me put this down first... Hey look! I'm on the screen!
Shia: I will take it from your hands!
Leroy: Awesome. Thanks Shia!

Leroy: My final key... I wish myself good luck!

Shia: It's mine! All mine!!!

*The door can be heard unlocking*

Leroy: Oh... My... God!

*heavenly music plays*
Leroy: Is that? The grand prize?!

Taiha: Congratulations Leroy! You have opened the door to victory and ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Leroy: I can't believe it! I'm a millionaire! Thank you!

Taiha: How do you feel?
Leroy: I don't know what to say or think! I'm so surprised and shocked that my luck has finally turned around and I've actually won that much money!

Taiha: Congratulations... Do you know what this means?!
Leroy: I'm the winner?
Taiha: No... Something else!! Something more important!
Leroy: My sister can be saved with this money! She will live on! 
Taiha: Well done Leroy! Our winner of Locked!

Regina: Congratulations Leroy! I am so happy for you!
Kayle: Congratulations! Remember your old alliancee when you're handing out money to the poor!
Leroy: Of course! Thanks girls! I love you both!

Maia: Well done Leroy! A well deserved win!
Zaire: Awesome job bro!
Devon: Well done Leroy! Celebration cake for you!
Shia: Thank you for the tablet. I mean. Congratulations!
Leroy: Thanks everyone for the-... Wait Shia what?!

*The crowd goes wild*

Taiha: Alright-y everyone... Back to your seats!

Taiha: Congratulations to our overall winner Leroy (Alleenmens) who managed to beat the odds and pull off a victory with his Light Blue "O" Key! Well done!

Taiha: We still have a runner-up to find... And two more prizes! So Leroy... As our winner... Pick a door!
Leroy: I'll go with Orange.

Taiha: The Orange Door... With will be opened with the "Q" Key by Regina!

Taiha: Regina are you ready?!
Regina: I guess so... I'll be glad with whatever is behind this door!

Regina: A small bag of money?!

Taiha: That means... Regina you are our second place contestant and have managed to win a smaller amount of $25,000 to spend how you please! Not quite a million... But close!
Regina: Awww awesome! Second place isn't too bad.

Kayle: After all that... I came... Third? Aww man... That's such a bummer.

Eric: WAIT! Kayle!!! Don't be sad!
Taiha: Eric! Get out of here... This is a restricted area!
Eric: Fine! Call security!
Taiha: You know we don't have any here yet!

Eric: Here... It may not be a million dollars but hopefully this will help make you happy.

*They Kiss*
Noah: No way! They're kissing! That's so adorably sweet!

Kayle: Eric... I... Wow!
Eric: I love you Kayle! I want you to be mine and be my girlfriend! For real and officially!
Kayle: ...

Eric: I mean we talk and act like it anyway... I just thought that a kiss would be a good prize! What do you say?
Kayle: YES YES YES!!! A million times yes!

Taiha: Nawwwww sweet... I wish someone would kiss me... Grey? Are you watching this? This is how you romance a girl... Not file a restraining order! A kiss! Silly!

Taiha: Kayle... Are ready to open the Purple Door with your "N" Key?
Kayle: Let me at it! I have all the prizes I need right here!
Eric: I hope you mean me and not the car.
Kayle: I mean you... Always you silly!

*The door can be heard unlocking*

Kayle: Ooooooh. A plane! I have my own plane!
Taiha: Not quite.

*       *       *

Taiha: Congratulations... You've won your own around the world flight stopping in various locations courtesy or Simcity Airlines!... Or if you'd rather... A parachuting experience as your hurl thousands of feet out of an airplane to your doom! Your choice!

*       *       *

Taiha: There we have it... This season is officially over! Thank you to everyone who made this possible! And a special thank you to our contestants...

Taiha: Devon (Mojot89)

Taiha: Shia (M13Vulpecula)

Taiha: Zaire (lovesstorms)

Taiha: Maia (Carewren123)

Taiha: Noah (evetfootwear)

Our third place-r with a ton of prizes... Kayle (Ninjakid150)

Taiha: The girl who almost won big but instead won a cruise, second place and our hearts! Regina (KingSmarties)

Taiha: And lastly, thank you to our winner Leroy! (alleenmens) Congratulations to you!

Taiha: Well played everyone and I am so privileged and thankful to have had you all for this awesome show! I wish you all the best...

Taiha: To end the show we have a very special guest!

Taiha: The always charming "KT!"... and her bodyguards Rory and Rocky!
KT: Hey! Thank you for having me! It's nice to see such a quiet place for once!

Taiha: Hey girl! Welcome to the end of the finale... You missed it but I'm glad you finally came!
KT: I wouldn't miss it for the world! I've missed you and I'm glad you kept in touch after that Mole contestant reunion gathering.

Rory: Hands off her ma'am. Or we'll have to use force.
Taiha: Woah! 
KT: Settle down Rory... This is THE Taiha Anderson! The host of the show!
Rory: Of course... Sorry.

KT: Who is ready for a song featuring our finalists?!

KT: Ready?! Lets begin!
*       *       *
KT: "Looooooooooooooove!!!"
Contestants: *singing badly* "LooOOooOOovvEEEEEE..."

*Audio drops out*
Taiha: Uh! Adrian?! What did you do? Where is the music and the singing?
Adrian: I'm sorry Miss Anderson! I'll fix it straight away!

Taiha: This has been the WORST finale I've ever been a part of... But either way... This is Taiha Anderson signing off from Locked Season 1... Thank you all for watching, participating and hopefully enjoying. Perhaps I'll see you all again another time? Maybe a second season? We'll see... Either way... Taiha. OUT!

*       *       *
Non-Canon Stuff

Taiha: That's what you both get for leaving my finale! MUHAHHAHHAA!!!

No one even likes you Su. Gosh!

Taiha: And here comes Death showing off his Signiture Black Hooded Dress. His cologne is Essence of Plague.
Death: It's not a dress... It's a robe!

Death: Hmmm... I hope your show goes well... I wouldn't mind have this green room to myself.
Taiha: Yeah... Sadly, you don't have the key and you never will!
Death: I can kill you... I can kill you with a key! Would you like me to do that?! 
Taiha: Will I have 8 more lives?
Death: Uhh... Sure?

Kayle killing Kayle with a hand buzzer... Don't ask how this happened. XD

So many deaths to fit everyone into the show :P Seeing as the stupid mod stopped working :( 

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Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89