Wednesday 17 December 2014

Locked: Season 1: Episode 3: A Shock Elimination

Episode 3
"A Shock Elimination"

*       *       *
Last time on Locked,
8 Sims entered a house to compete in challenges.

Kayle won a chance to choose squares in the Treasure Grid,
won herself the Lime Key,
and nominated Zaire, Leroy and Shiawasena.

*       *       *

Kayle: So, Noah... What are you in to?
Noah: Uhh... Isn't that a bit personal?
Kayle: Oh! No! I meant what do you like?... No I mean!

Kayle: Devon!? Help me out here?!
Devon: What are your interests Noah?

Kayle: Yeah! What's your interests?
Devon: Like for me... Literally everything food related!
Kayle: And for me... Literally everything!

Noah: Haven't I been over this already with everyone? Space!
Kayle: Oh yeah! Now I remember!
Noah: I love it all! The mystery, the adventure, the excitement, the science! I'm working with a small non-governmental organisation that's working towards getting people in space.

Devon: Sounds great... My god these floors are filthy... Everything in this house is... Did the production not bother to clean it first?!

Noah: Well people like Shia and Maia leave their books and devices and such everywhere.

Maia: *walks in* Oh... I'm so sorry guys. I'm such a mess.
Devon: It's ok.

Maia: Here I'll clean it all up. It'll all look perfect.
Devon: It's fine Maia... Hey dinner will be ready soon... Do you think you could get everyone?

Maia: No problem at all Devon. Smells delicious.

Maia: Hey Regina... Devon thinks dinner will be ready soon... Also I talked to Leroy earlier and he wants to have a word with you.
Regina: Yeah sure thing... Will be there in a minute.

Leroy: Hey Regina can I talk to you for a moment.
Maia: Speaking of the devil.
Leroy: Haha. Gossiping about me were you?

Maia: I'll leave you two to be... Dinner will be ready soon by the way Leroy.
Leroy: Yeah I just got told by Devon.

Regina: So I heard you wanted to talk to me.
Leroy: Well... It's a talk... AND an apology.

Regina: Apology? Why apology?
Leroy: I'm sorry about wanting to sleep with you... 
Regina: Uh...

Leroy: Dammit! I mean sleep in the same bed as you! *facepalms*
Regina: Look its fine... Now lets go get dinner.
Leroy: Wait! I wanted to make sure you weren't voting for me!

*       *       *


Shia: I am not going down this easily.

Zaire: Yo Shiawasena!How's it going my man?

Zaire: What are you doing in here?... Out here? Is it in or out?
Shia: I believe it is inside since there is a roof.
Zaire: Right... Well why are you here?

Shia: I am reminding myself of the prize and how much I would enjoy winning the prize.
Zaire: Yeah its good to know what your goals are.

Shia: I am worried about the elimination. I do not want to go home.
Zaire: Don't worry man... There are stronger competition than you. You don't have to worry!

Zaire: Cmon. We're having a group dinner.
Shia: Wait. What do you mean by stronger competition?

*       *       *

Devon: Well... Here marks our last meal as eight friends. Sadly one of us will be leaving tonight but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves.

Regina: Thank you so much this meal looks astounding!
Leroy: Can't wait to taste it!

Maia: Devon, if it is anything like it looks... It will be-
Kayle: PERFECT! It will be perfect!
Noah: Smells awesome!

Devon: Dig in!

Zaire: My god... The taste... Is amazing!

Devon: Mmm... Its a bit salty...
Regina: It is perfect Devon!

Devon: A toast to the-...
Production: Devon. Please Report To The Backyard Immediately

Devon: I'll be right back... Don't wait for me.

Maia: This is just rude.
Shia: I think we should wait for her to come back.
Noah: I agree. It's not fair for her to prepare this amazing meal only to miss out.

*A Little While Later*
Regina: I hope everything is alright.
Zaire: The food is almost cold... Should we just eat slowly or something?

Production: Contestants... Please report to the backyard immediately.
Kayle: Really?!
Leroy: You have got to be joking.

*       *       *

Voice: Contestants... Welcome to the elimination ceremony.
*Contestants are shocked*

Voice: As you know: Kayle, Regina...

Voice: ...Maia, Noah and Devon have all received immunity.

Voice: Leroy, Zaire and Shiawasena are eligible for elimination.

Voice: However, due to unforeseen circumstances... 

Voice: ... sadly, Devon has chosen to be removed from the game due to personal reasons.

Voice: It is a sad loss for the competition. And our thoughts and prayers go to Devon that any issues will be resolved.

Voice: This concludes our elimination ceremony. You are free to continue your night.

*       *       *

Devon: I'm so sorry to leave like this. I was not prepared to have to leave so soon. But my mother has just been put into hospital and I have decided to withdraw from the game. I love you all and wish you the best of luck! Bye!

- Devon Chapman -
- Mojot89 - 
- 8th Place - 
- Withdrew For Personal Reasons - 

*       *       *

Sadly, Mojot89 has had to leave the forums due to a hectic real life. She has decided to withdraw from all competitions including this one.
Personally, I will deeply miss Mojo. She was a great member of the community and a truly amazing friend. 
She's always fun to have in these competitions, to compete against and always welcome to come back when/if she is more available! :3
<3 We will miss you Mojo! <3

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens 
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
幸せな   バーベキューグリル by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150