Wednesday 19 August 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 24: Re-Running Race

Episode 24
"Re-Running Race"

*       *       *

*At The Locked Manor*

*       *       *

Regina: Zzzzzz...

Leroy: *snores*

Kayle: Zzzzzz...... *yawns*

Kayle: ALLLLL Righty! Time to start the awesome-tastic day!

Kayle: And TADA! The bed is made! Now time to get dre-...

Kayle: Waiiiiit.... Is that... What is that lovely smell?!

Regina: Do you smell that too?
Kayle: It smells... Heavenly!
Leroy: It smells freaking awesome!
Regina: I think it's coming from the kitchen?

Leroy: Oh... My... God!
Kayle: Is that?
Regina: No way!!!

Kayle and Leroy: FOOD!!!
Regina: Uh... And Devon!
Devon: Hello Contestants. Welcome to your buffet breakfast!

Regina: Hey girl! How you doing?!
Devon: I am doing amazing! Everything is much better now.

Regina: Why are you back? When did this happen? What have you been up to?
Devon: So many questions!... I'll try and answer them all soon, but not in the order you asked them.
Regina: So why are you here?
Devon: To make you a yummy breakfast! You've got a long day today. Eat! Go on!

Leroy: Man... I have missed your cooking!
Devon: And I've missed cooking for you!
Kayle: CAKE!
Devon: I baked that especially for you guys... You never got to have proper cake on your birthday.
Leroy: HEY! My cake was great!

Devon: I'm only joking around. If you need anything, I've got a whole season of missed food ready to be cooked.
All: Thank you Devon.
Regina: So what's going on today? 
Devon: Well... Taiha sadly cannot host the whole challenge today.

*       *       *

Taiha: Can someone help me down from this podium? Anyone? I've been up here all night!... Hello?... Anyone?.... Grey?

*       *       *

Devon: So, you'll be taken through today's huge challenge with all of us eliminated contestants! So eat up and clean up and head down to the start of today's nine part challenge!

*       *       *

Devon: The challenge will begin here at the fountain where you will each have a barrel to store eight trophies from each challenge in. The screen will direct you to the nine challenges around the house.

Firstly, you'll head to where I will be standing. You'll have to navigate a short maze, like the one we did in the first challenge...

... To Paint a Medium-Sized Painting on the easel in the centre! Then you can collect your trophy.

Shiawasena: Then, you will head into the Pink Room. This is where the second challenge will be positioned. You must complete a difficult video game competition. エキサイティング

Shia: Then... You will place your points in someone else's chest. If you have any! Aha! Then collect your trophy.

Zaire: Then you'll head upstairs to the Games Room and complete a 6x6 Minesweeper Grid.

Zaire: Make a mistake you'll have to restart... Finish it, and you'll get your trophy.

Zaire: Then, go to Maia's old room... To rewatch a clip from the start of the season!

Zaire: Once it's done you gotta fill in a quiz. Get a good score and you'll get your trophy.

Zaire: Another part is to head to the Treasure Grid.

Zaire: And make like Kayle did and find the hidden trophy.

Noah: I'll be up at Leroy's Room. Remodeled into the door swap challenge.
Leroy: HEY! What the hell?!
Noah: Sorry.

Noah: Get to the end of the series of rooms and you'll find your trophy!

Maia: Fine me at the pool in order to receive your trophy.

Maia: Dive to the bottom of the pool find a car like Leroy did in Hide and Seek.

Amanda: Head upstairs to the dinning room.
Eric: To meet Team Unstoppable!
Lucky: To play my favourite... A round of cards!
Amanda: Beat us and you'll receive your trophy.

Devon: Lastly, once all the other dishes are done, you'll head back to the maze to try and find your way to Taiha who will be waiting at the finish line. First person there will win this challenge! Got it?

*       *       *


Regina: I'm going to go to the first challenge and see Devon.
Leroy: I'm going to say Hi to Maia by the pool!
Kayle: I'll be heading straight to Team Unstoppable! Three greetings at once!
Regina: Ha! You're just going to see Eric, aren't you?
Kayle: What?! No.

*       *       *

Leroy: Hey there Maia!
Maia: Oh look... Someone who voted me out over someone with multiple keys.
Leroy: Uhhh... Good to see you too.

Maia: Just jump to the bottom and get the car for a trophy.
Leroy: Simple enough.

Leroy: Ah! The chlorine is burning my eyes! Who keeps this pool?
Maia: I don't know... Kayle?

Leroy: Oh well... Here. 
Maia: Congratulations. Good luck with the race.

Maia: Oh... And don't forget your trophy!
Leroy: Right... Thanks!

Leroy: One down... Eight to go!

*       *       *

Regina: Devon! It's great to see you again. Hehe!
Devon: Hey Regina! Head inside and start to paint! Hurry! Good luck!

Regina: I can see over the hedges...

Regina: ... Plus it's short and simple! Not like the other maze. Ha!

Regina: Now, what to paint?

*       *       *

Kayle: Alright Lucky, prepare to be Un-Lucky!
Lucky: In your dreams girl!

Kayle: Wha!!! Why are you looking at me like that?
Eric: Why are you looking at me like that.
Kayle: Cause you're ummm...

Eric: "Because you're ummmm..."
Both: Funny Looking!!!
Both: Jinx! We said the same thing! Twins!

*       *       *

Leroy: Alright... To the Treasure Grid cause its easy!

Leroy: Look here they are! Simple.

Leroy: Two down! Seven to go!... Alright... How about... I head upstairs.

Leroy: I might give the doors a go and say hi to my old bed-mate, Noah.

*       *       *

Regina: DONE! And she looks beautiful!

Regina: So where should I head next?
Devon: I would go to the kitchen myself... But how about completing all these nearby tasks?
Regina: Good idea! Thanks Devon you're amazing!

Regina: Oops... Better not forget my trophy!

*       *       *

Leroy: Noah! It's nice to see you again man!
Noah: Yeah. It's great to see you too. Head inside and try and find the correct doors to get the trophy.

Leroy: This seems easy enough. I bet I'll get straight to the end without even trying!

Leroy: I was wrong. Damn.

*       *       *

Kayle: So... I totally did it anyway! Even though I was "advised not to do it, or I may be eliminated". I said to forget the rules for one moment and just do it! So I did!
Eric: Awesome! That sounds like something I wanna do one time.
Amanda: And you didn't get expelled from the competition?
Kayle: No way! Final 3. They wouldn't like another person leaving. I mean Devon... I don't know if you met her but-...
Eric: KAYLE! You're in a race! Get moving!

Kayle: Alright... But one last hug before I go! I don't know if I'll see you again.
Eric: Nah... We'll all keep in touch. Right guys?
Amanda: Sure.
Lucky: We'll see.
Eric: I will at least! Good luck.

*       *       *

Regina: Found them! This isn't even hidden... You can see them from across the grid.

Kayle: Hey Regina! How are you doing?
Regina: I'm going great! How about you?
Kayle: Fantabulistic! It's great to see old faces again.

Kayle: How many have you got so far?
Regina: Two. You?
Kayle: Just the one!

*       *       *

Kayle: Maia! HEY!!!
Maia: Oh... Hello Kayle. Jump in the pool and... Yeah I'm sure they explained it all already anyway.

Kayle: *cannonballs in*

*       *       *

Leroy: Aha! Made it.

Leroy: Thanks Noah! Would stay and chat but I've gotta win this!
Noah: It's okay. Good luck!

*       *       *

Regina: Hey there Shia! How are you today?
Shia: 私は非常に良いです
Regina: And in English?
Shia: Oh... I am very good. How are you?
Regina: Determined to win!

Regina: Alright this won't be too hard... I mean I'm not very good with Video Games but I'll give it my best shot!

Regina: *focused*

Shia: Regina. Your time is up for the game. You can stop now.
Regina: No. No! I have to get something!
Shia: You have zero points. You need to move on.

Regina: Stupid game. I'll just deposit my non-existent points in both Leroy and Kayle's chests!
Shia: Okay?

*       *       *

Leroy: Soooo... How are you going Regina?
Regina: I'm going amazing... Let's just say I have this in the bag!
Leroy: Ha! Well game on! I'm gonna win this! You watch!

*       *       *

Kayle: Alright... I finally got it. It took me a few tries!
Maia: Congratulations! Take your trophy and blah blah blah. Good luck.

*       *       *

Regina: Hey there... Maia.
Maia: Hello Regina. Here to rub in that you're still in the game no doubt.
Regina: Fine. Be like that!

Regina: Where is the car?! I can't see it from here! The ripples are making it too difficult.

*       *       *

Leroy: Alright... So I just... Sit here and press play? Gotcha.

Leroy: Oh god... This is so boring and... Do I really look and talk like that?! Honestly?

*       *       *

Kayle: Hmmm... Not as lovely looking as the actual challenge. But it's pretty good still!

Kayle: HEY! ZAIRE! How are you?! It's been so long! How have you beeeeeen?
Zaire: Hey there Kayle. I'm doing fine. Are you ready to do the awesome part and win this challenge?

Kayle: Yeah yeah yeah... But how are you and Maia going? Did you both go on a date or what?! Tell me all the gossip!
Zaire: Yeah... We went on a date and... It didn't go too well sadly. I guess it wasn't meant to be. We had fun though! I just don't think we're the right people for one another.

*       *       *

Regina: So... How did your date with the big guy go?
Maia: You mean Zaire? Hmm... It was alright... But I don't think that he's going to be someone I'll see myself with in the future sadly. It was fun though.
Regina: Awww. There's plenty of fish in the sea... Or... Cars in the pool?

Maia: Just take your trophy and go please. You're in a race.

*       *       *

Leroy: Hmm... This questions are tougher than I thought. Oh well... I passed.

Leroy: Another one down!

Leroy: Do we really wear the same clothes all the time in the episodes? I mean... I wear different things every other day. It's just on camera they always get my in these clothes... Odd.

*       *       *

Regina: Alright... Are we ready to play or what?
Amanda: Oh we are ready to play alright.
Eric: Prepare to go down!

Regina: No imput there Earl?
Lucky: Nope... Lets just get started shall we?

*       *       *

Leroy: Art... Is NOT my forté.

*       *       *

Kayle: There... See... And with no mistakes... Now tell me the rest of the date! I need details man! Trophies mean nothing!
Zaire: No time! Go! I'll tell you about it later!

*       *       *

Regina: *sighs* How could ANYONE sit through a season of this show? It's so... Mediocre!

*       *       *

Kayle: This seems SO familiar! Seems like only yesterday I did this... Wait... Was it yesterday? I can't remember.

*       *       *

Leroy: There. Happy now? I only made a few mistakes.
Zaire: That's what you call a few?
Leroy: I'd like to see you do better.

Zaire: I don't have to do better. I'm running this part! 
Leroy: Oh well... One day. You and me will have a battle of this. I challenge you.
Zaire: Done!
Leroy: Sweet.

*       *       *

Regina: Well... It's not this way...

Regina: Oh god dammit! It's not this way either!

*       *       *

Kayle: Hehehehehehe! This is such a good game! I doubt they get much better than this. Plus I am awesome at this!
Shia: Ha. You know nothing about Video Games. You are merely level 1 and I am level 293845!
Kayle: That's very specific.
Shia: I have calculated it before.

Kayle: Well... My points are going to Leroy. Not sure why... Just because Regina is my homegirl!

*       *       *

Leroy: Prepare to go down guys...
Amanda: *coughs*
Leroy: ...And Girl.
Amanda: I thought you'd forgotten about me.
Leroy: Not on your life beautiful.

Leroy: Man. I hate this game! I never get any good cards.
Lucky: Guess you just aren't... Lucky.

*       *       *

Kayle: Devon. Firstly, I wanna thank you for baking that delicious cake! Secondly, I just wanna rub it in your face that I could eat a whole cake by myself in that short time even if I am so skinny... And Thirdly, I will take your offer for you to bake another dozen cakes!
Devon: I'll get onto making them after this challenge is completed. Now go in this maze and be creative with your art, girl!

Kayle: The maze was easy... The art... I have no inspiration or creativity! All I can think about is cake!

*       *       *

Regina: Ugh... You have got to be kidding me. This will be quite a chore.

*       *       *

Kayle: There... This trophy will have to do... With some apples. 
Good job me! 
Thanks me!

*       *       *

Zaire: Sooooo.... Are you gonna go, or what?
Regina: I'm considering which path to take. Let me contemplate for a bit.

*       *       *

Kayle: Oooh... This is going to be awesome to... To... To... 

Kayle: *falls asleep as soon as the episode begins*

*       *       *

Leroy: AHA! Take that!
Shia: If you are talking to yourself... Then I believe that you are indeed taking that.
Leroy: Wait... Was I NOT supposed to do that.
Shia: *facepalms*

Leroy: Oh well... I got one point. Might as well dump it in Kayle's box. Thanks Shia. Nice to see you again!
Shia: さようなら。がんばろう。

Regina: How many have you done?
Leroy: How many have you done?
Regina: I've done all of mine. So beat that!
Leroy: Ha! Well I've done all of mine as well!

Regina: Head to the maze by the car out front.
Leroy:  Find Taiha in the centre of the maze to win.
Regina: I'll beat you there!
Leroy: Game on!

*       *       *

Kayle: Wha... Oh no! I fell asleep! It must have been SO BORING! I don't remember any of it.

Kayle: Oh... Wait these are easy anyway. That's good.

*       *       *

Kayle: Is this where the next challenge is?
Noah: Finally... Someone to talk to!

Kayle: Oh... Hey Noah! Didn't see you there.
Noah: How did you-... But you totally-... And you asked-... Ugh nevermind. Hey.

Kayle: I have a good feeling about this room.

Kayle: Nevermind. I was wrong.

Kayle: Oh... That was quick. this seems like the end.

Kayle: And here is my last trophy! Yay!

*       *       *

Kayle: Alright... Now I just gotta hope I'm not coming last and that that nap didn't slow me down!

Kayle: Head to the Maze via the car out the front. Find Taiha in the centre of the maze to win.

*       *       *

*The Maze*

Regina: Is anyone else here?
Su: Well... Look who finally decided to show up. And but who... I mean anyone. Hurry up and get your ass into the maze.

Regina: Whatever you say Man-Lady.
Su: I will break your skull if you say that again. Now MOVE!

Leroy: Oh crap... Oh crap... Oh no! Man-Lady is here... Ahhh!

Leroy: Gotta run! Gotta find a place to hide! Gotta find another entrance.

Su: That's it! Come here Leroy! I didn't find you last time but I'm going to this time! You're dead!

Leroy: Kayle. Run. Man-lady Su is here!
Kayle: Oh... She's harmless. Just ignore her.

Su: HEY! Pencil! Don't think you can just walk on by me. Come back here or I'll end you.

Kayle: Oh sorry. Did you wanna talk to me first? I just wanna win!
Su: **** it. Hurry up and get in the maze. Losing will be punished... BY ME! So run!

*       *       *

*       *       *

Taiha: *sigh* This has taken all day and almost all night... Why didn't we split the challenges over a few days rather than a race? I didn't think this through.

Taiha: Wow. Look. Regina is at the beginning again. I can almost here Su's screaming.
Su: *inaudible cursing*

Kayle: These feels like a winner... I'm trusting my gut this time. I know its right.

Kayle: It was wrong. I need to stop doing that.

*       *       *

Leroy: Hey! Hey Lady...
Random Lady: Yes?
Leroy: Do you know where the centre is and if I'm close to it?

Random Lady: It's right next to you... I'd suggest turning around, young man.
Leroy: Oh... Thank you!

*       *       *

Taiha: They're here! The winner of the challenge is about to step onto the gazebo here with me!






Taiha: Leroy!!!

Taiha: No WAIT! It's Kayle...

Taiha: Hang on it's Regina?!

Taiha: Who is it?!

Taiha: Uhhhh....

Taiha: Oh FURBALLS! I have NO idea what just happened.

Regina: So... Which of us won?
Kayle and Leroy: Yeah?!
Taiha: I... I have no idea! You all officially tied! I have no idea how to settle this!
All: WHAT?!
Taiha: Lets all head home and we can sort this out! I hope.

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150