Thursday 27 November 2014

Locked: Season 1: Episode 2: Kayle's Choice

Episode 2
"Kayle's Choice"

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At the Locked House...

The contestants are all relaxing and preparing for the first Square Ceremony.

However, three of them will be up for elimination by the end of the day.

So it seems that the only person truly excited is Kayle. The winner of the first challenge.

Voice: Contestants. Grab your best attire and head to the Square Ceremony within an hour.

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome contestants. Take a seat.

Voice: Kayle. Since you are the winner of the first challenge. You will be getting a chance to pick squares in the Treasure Grid today... But you'll also have to stand for the rest of the ceremony. Soz.
Kayle: Nah its cool! I once stood for 34 hours straight! 

Voice: Kayle. How happy are you to be the winner of the challenge and have a chance to win one of the valuable keys?
Kayle: On a scale of one to 100... I'm about a 98.5!
Voice: Are you confident that you'll get a key today?
Kayle: Duh! Of course! I'm gonna get aaaalllllllllll the keys!
Voice: Sorry you can only get one today.

Voice: Maia.
Maia: Yes?
Voice: How does it feel to be so close to being in the Treasure Grid today but only just missing out?
Maia: As much as I'd love to be in here today. I'm still happy for Kayle and I am certain that I'll get my chance soon.

Voice: Devon.
Devon: Hello!
Voice: Soooo... I've heard you've become the resident cook to the house.
Devon: Indeed. I love the kitchen and if I'm not mistaken I think the people love the food, right?
Voice: Shia? Can you confirm? Whats your thoughts on Devon and her cooking?
Shia: I can confirm. She makes great food and she makes a great roommate. I am very pleased.

Voice: Leroy... Back at the challenge. What happened?
Leroy: What can I say... Slow and steady just didn't win the race... But at least I got to see the sights.
Voice: Is this just a tactic? To make sure you stay around?
Leroy: You could say that. But I've honestly not playing any strategy yet! I'm just here to have fun and to help my sister!

Voice: Noah.
Noah: Hey!
Voice: The question we all want to know...
Noah: Yeahhhh?
Voice: What was it like sharing a bed with Leroy?
Noah: Really? That's the question you come up with?... It was fine...
Voice: Sorry.

Voice: Zaire. Whats your take on the other contestants?
Zaire: I think they're all very strong, very smart and very capable. They all are kind and lovely and we've yet to see any mean activity from anyone. So thats good.
Voice: Who would you say you've bonded the most with?
Zaire: I'll have to go with... My roommate Maia. We've gotten along great.

Voice: Regina. Smarties or M&M's?
Regina: What?... Uh. Smarties... Why?
Voice: Nevermind... They're sponsors. 
Voice: Now we all saw what happened with Leroy and the bed situation. Whats your opinion on Leroy now?
Regina: Leroy is a great guy, but sometimes a gal needs her boundaries to be respected. I don't think it's an issue that will last anyway. Leroy and I are still friends, as are all the contestants. One big happy family.

Voice: Well that concludes our questions... Kayle. It's time to make your first selection of the letters... There are 24 to choose from A-X. 

What is your first choice?

Kayle: I choose.......... R! For my girl Regina!
Regina: Haha thanks Kayle!


Kayle: Red? That's good right?
Voice: Sorry but that's an incorrect square. No keys to be found there.
Kayle: Dang! NextOneNextOneNextOne!

Regina: Come on girl! You've got this!
Leroy: Take your time... 

Kayle: This one! I choose I!!! For "I...'m gonna choose again"!
Voice: Lets see how it goes... Good luck!

Kayle: The suspense!!!

Voice: Sorry. That's another red. You have one more try.
Kayle: Oh no... I'm nervous now! What if I don't get it!?

Devon: It's ok girl. You have one more try! You can do it!
Shia: *to Devon* But if she doesn't, then we have more chances!
Devon: *to Shia* I am just being supportive.

Kayle: Ok... Ok... Uhhh... Think... Heeeeeelppppp! "H"!

Kayle: I choose H!

Maia: Good luck Kayle!
Noah: You can do it!

Kayle: Red?! Wait... GREEN! That's good right?!

Voice: Green... Or more specifically... Lime! Kayle you have earned the first key of the game!
Square H contained the Lime Key... Which is now yours till the end!... Or until you get eliminated.

Maia: Great work girl!
Zaire: Awesome Kayle!
Devon: Well done.

21 squares left
7 keys left
14 blanks left

Voice: How do you feel about your key Kayle?
Kayle: This one makes me feel like a winner already, magical voice person!

Voice: Could everyone please stand up.

Voice: As you know, not all 8 of you will make it to the finale... There must be some casualties along the way. Each square on this grid represents a player. And after each choosing there may be an elimination.



...And Lime Key Square H with the spiffy new statue...
... All represent one of you who will be nominated for elimination right now.

Kayle: Look at the statue... Thats the mark of a winner right there!

Voice: Kayle. Your choices will now cause one of your fellow contestants time in this game to be over... Or perhaps even your own. 
Kayle: Sorry everyone!

Voice: Lets see... We'll start with your first choice. Square R!

The first person nominated is...

Shia: Nuuuuu!!!

Voice: Shia could you please swap seats with Devon.
Devon: Gladly. Sorry.

Shia: Thank you Kayle.
Kayle: I didn't know. I'm sorry. 

Shia: *sigh* This is definitely not looking good.

Lets have a look who else... Square I was next!

Voice: Nominee number 2 is... Leroy!
Leroy: Last place... And second nominee. Thats just depressing. Can't you all give me a break?
Voice: Leroy. Could you please swap seats with Maia.

Shia: Welcome to Team Nominee!
Leroy: We're not exactly a team... Sorry to burst your bubble.
Shia: *whisper* We can make a team.
Zaire: Are you guys really strategising already?
Leroy: He started it.

And Last but not least... The Lime Green Square of H!

Voice: Zaire!
Zaire: Great... First to finish the challenge... Last to be nominated!
Leroy: Better than finishing in last and being nominated.
Zaire: I guess not... Sorry bro. You'll do better next time.

Voice: Zaire please swap seats with......... Uh... Yourself.
Zaire: Sure. *sits*

Voice: There we are... Our first three nominees! Tomorrow night one of you will be eliminated from the competition!

Voice: Shia. How does it feel to be nominated?
Shia: It was just a matter of chance. I will not blame Kayle for her decisions. Though, I am very upset with how things turned out.

Voice: Leroy. How does it feel to be nominated?
Leroy: I feel like I've just had a blow to the head... I feel dazed and... Horrible. It is not a good feeling at all!

Voice: And Zaire... How does it feel to be nominated?
Zaire: Like the past two gents said before me. It's a horrible feeling and there is no way of describing it. No one wants to be first to go! Certainly not me.

Voice: Well this concludes the Square Ceremony. 
I will see you all again later at the elimination! But until then... Good luck!

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens 
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
幸せな   バーベキューグリル by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150