Wednesday 19 November 2014

Locked: Season 1: Episode 1: The Slowest Race

Episode 1
"The Slowest Race"

*       *       *
Welcome to the Locked House!

This is the place where 8 contestants (As seen above) will be competing in challenges to hopefully win...

... $1,000,000! Stashed away safely in this locked chest.
The winner will receive this large sum of money which will pay for their fantasies to come true! Every player has their reason to win!

Voice: Contestants. Welcome to Locked! You may now enter the house and into the dining room. Introductions will begin shortly.

*       *       *

Meet The Contestants

Player #1 (KingSmarties)
Name: Regina Hurst
Age: 25
Reason: To give money to charity and pay off her university fees

Player #2 (Alleenmens)
Name: Leroy Jordan
Age: 23
Reason: To fund his paralysed sister's operation to help her walk again

Player #3 (Carewren123)
Name: Maia Wilkes
Age: 31
Reason: To open an animal sanctuary/rescue home

Player #4 (lovesstorms)
Name: Zaire Legend
Age: 26
Reason: To build his business further and to give to others in need

Player #5 (M13Vulpecula)
Name: 幸せな   バーベキューグリル (Shiawasena bābekyūguriru)
Age: 21
Reason: To study and live his dream gamer lifestyle

Player #6 (Mojot89)
Name: Devon Chapman
Age: 28 
Reason: To open her own bakery

Player #7 (evetfootwear)
Name: Noah Blackburn
Age: 22
Reason: To attempt to build his own rocket ship

Player #8 (Ninjakid150)
Name: Kayle McCarther
Age: 19
Reason: Just wants the adventure

*       *       *

Kayle: Sooooo... Who wants to start?! Introductions... Lets get them rolling!

Regina: Why don't you start? Seeing as it's your idea.
Kayle: Why not indeed?!

Zaire: I'll start! We'll go to the right after that!
Hey!  My name is Zaire Legend.  You all look like this could be a tough challenge.  I’m looking forward to competing against each of you.  I also look forward to putting that million into my bank account.  Good luck!

Maia: Well, I'm Maia. I'm really excited to be here. I can't wait to get to know everyone. I'm a teacher, and I like my work. But it sure would be nice to win that money. But mostly I'm looking forward to all the fun things I'm sure we're all going to experience here. I just went through a divorce, and I've been sort of stuck in a rut lately. So I decided to do something completely different from anything else I've ever experienced. That's how I ended up here, so I'm really going to try to have some fun while I'm here, for however long that is.

Leroy: Hi I'm Leroy and I love to get to know all of you better. I'm here to have fun but also to win the money. My sister's life depends on it!

Regina: Hey guys, I'm Regina and I'm here to play a fair game. I'm sure I'll get along with all of you but if you dare to cross me you'll definitely be facing the consequences. Anyway, enough of that, I'm here to have fun and I am gonna make that my number one mission while were here, so let's hurry up and crack open a bottle of champagne, yeah?

Kayle: (moves arms rapidly) Whats with all the arm movements?... Anyway...
Heya, my Chicken McNiglets! My name is... drum roll please....... KAYLE McCARTHER!!!!! I'm here for the adventure! The romance! The action! That all comes from being on a live TV show! I know I can't be doing too much more adventure. After all, I've had an exciting life so far and I'm only 19 years old! I mean I've been a billiards champion, actress, corporate lawyer for one day, a prom destroy, ninja, lion tamer, repair-woman, Jet pack tester, Nail Polish Namer, cheerleader, Lady Gaga impersonator, Waterslide tester, Bike-Rider photographer for Google Maps, Ear model, tattoo artist, Pet Rock Creator and sock collector... Just to name a few... A now I'm the super star Ke$ha's songwriter... I know not too bad... If I do say so myself, I hope you all don't mind a dash of crazy to lighten up your day and last of all. Rules are made to be broken... Like buildings!... Or People!

Noah: Hi, my name is Noah, Noah Blackburn. Ever since I turned 8, I have wanted to be an interstellar astronaut, but I can't just settle down on any one thing, I want to be great at everything. I'm hoping that if I win this challenge I can buy myself the tools and parts to build my own rocketship. I can't wait to meet someone special and the secondary reason I'm applying for this challenge is for the chance to meet similar minded sims. 

Devon: Hello everyone! My name is Devon! I'm a sous chef from Paradise Valley. I LOVE food. Like I love food so much that I hold 3 world records. 1 for the most cupcakes eaten in an hour, 1 for the largest tiered wedding cake created, and 1 for the most number of macaroons made in 1 hour. Oh my God. Speaking of macaroons, I once made this orange flavored one, and it tasted HORRIBLE! I don't recommend it. But I did make a chocolate one that about killed me it was so good! Anyway! Yeah, I want to win the money so that I can open my own bakery! CAKES FOR EVERYONE!!!

Shiawasena: “Er, it’s my turn to introduce myself? Yes, okay, er, hi, my name’s 幸せな. After I’ve graduated summa cum laude from university, I’ve decided to try Oxford soon. To already get used to speak English, I’ve decided to live in this country for a while… Er, one of my favourite hobbies includes video games. Like Super Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog… Especially Toads and Chao’s! I like all the cute-y cute guys from the games… Oh, Tails and Yoshi too! And I really like it when Mario throws Bowser in the lava again! And!!….. … … … . . . . . Okay, I should stop doing that… Er, BTW, I’m from Japan.”

Devon: Well now we're all met... What next?
Voice: Contestants. Please move to the backyard.
Leroy: Thats what.

*       *       *

Voice: Contestants. Please take a seat.

Shia: What is with this area in front of us?
Kayle: I think it's a chess board.

Zaire: Dang. I dont get a chair too? Harsh.

Noah: Sorry dude. Guess theres only 7 seats.
Maia: Uhhhm...

Maia: Here. You can have mine.
Zaire: No no I was only joking.
Maia: Please I insist. I'm more comfortable with standing anyway.
Zaire: You are quite generous, aren't you?
Maia: Oh. Thank you.

Voice: Contestants this is the Treasure Grid!

The Treasure Grid has 24 squares...

 ...each correspond to a letter.
Below 8 of the squares are 8 different keys.

However, only one of these keys will open the chest inside the house for the $1,000,000 prize!

Regina: Oh man! I want that prize! 
Noah: How do I get that key?!

Leroy: This is gonna be awesome! Let me at it!
Shia: I already know which square I would like to pick.

Voice: Hold up now! You first have to win a challenge in order to get inside the Treasure Grid!
So you'd wanna be standing up like Maia is... That means you get a chance to choose squares!

Voice: Oh another thing... The red chairs you guys are sitting in... They aren't good... They mean you are up for elimination! The squares picked by the winning contestant will correspond to 3 contestants... After that, you all will vote for 1 contestant you want to send home! 
Regina: Uhh! Get my out of this chair!
Devon: Anyone wanna swap?!
Leroy: Yo Maia. You can have my chair.

Voice: That is all contestants. You now have free reign of the house. Enjoy. Your first challenge will be soon.

*       *       *

Zaire: Thanks for giving me the seat back there. That was kind of you.
Maia: Oh. It was nothing. Standing up is good in this game anyway!

Zaire: Well this is a nice room... I hope you don't mind sharing it with me.

Maia: Not at all! You're a nice man... Or so it seems.
Zaire: Thanks. It's Maia right.
Maia: Yeah it is. Zaire?
Zaire: Indeed. Sorry just trying my best to learn names.

Zaire: Good luck in the challenge by the way. We have some tough contestants by the looks of things...
Maia: Who you? You look like the toughest here... Anyway... Good luck yourself.

*       *       *

Devon: Oh yes. This kitchen will do juuuussst fine!

Devon: It's such a nice looking place... AND its functional! What more could I ask for?!

Shia: Oh my! This is very good.
Devon: Hmm?

Devon: Whats happening in here?

Shia: Oh. Nothing. I am just very happy with this room.

Devon: Oh yeah... Its really gorgeous! 
Shia: No. Not just how it looks!

Shia: It has a television. I can play many games I brought to this show!

Shia: ... And yes.... It is very good-looking.

Devon: Well... I guess we're roommates... Hope that's ok!
Shia: Of course!

*       *       *


Kayle: It has its own piano and everything!

Kayle: Piii-AN-OOOOHHH!!!!

Regina: Hahaha. Yeah. This room is looking sweet to stay in!

Regina: I'll take this bed. I don't wanna be near the window.
Leroy: Well move over sweetheart. We're becoming bed buddies!

Regina: Uh uh! I don't think I really wanna be sleeping next to you Casanova! Sorry.
Leroy: What?! why not?!
Regina: I just don't know how comfortable I would be sleeping next to a dude I just met who calls me sweetheart. Sorry.

Leroy: So you're suggesting I sleep next to Noah then?
Regina: I mean if everyone's ok with that... Kayle?
Kayle: Hmm? Yeah sure!... Pi... an... o.

Noah: Yeah no I'm ok with sleeping with you Leroy.
Leroy: Uh dude... That sounds so wrong...
Noah: Oh sorry I just meant... I meant... Uhhh...
Leroy: Nah its cool. I know what you meant!

*       *       *

Challenge Number 1

*       *       *

Voice: Contestants. Welcome to your first challenge. This one is to win a chance to pick squares in the Treasure Grid!

This is an extremely simple challenge... It should only take a matter of minutes!

This challenge is in 3 parts... 
Firstly, you must navigate a small maze!

Then, you will move onto an area in which you must paint a large painting of your choosing. As long as it looks good... It counts.
You'd best hurry though... There are only 6 easels for 8 contestants!

The final part of the challenge will be for the first 5 to complete the first and second parts.
It will require each contestant to pick a door/room.

Four of the rooms will be coloured red.

One will be coloured green! This is the winning room.

Voice: So without further ado... GO!!!

Kayle: Sooo... Which way?
Regina: I'm gonna go up this path...
Kayle: I'm going to the furthest one over there!

Maia: You going up this one?
Zaire: Yup. I'm feeling lucky!
Shia: I believe that it is the other side. Good luck.

Leroy: Oh yeah... This one HAS to be good!

Devon: I think this is the right way! 
Noah: Yeah me too... I mean I think I can see the easels over the hedge.

Leroy: Yeah... Its not as good as I thought. Not this one.
Shia: Thank you for the help. This competition will be mine to win now.
Leroy: Oh right. It's a race!

Devon: See! All going the same way works out in the end!
Kayle: This is a race though! We can't all just work together silly!
Zaire: Let's start the paint race then!

Maia: Oh gee... I don't know what I want to paint.
Devon: Just paint whatever!
Maia: What are you painting?
Devon: Food I think... Though I might change it.

Noah: I want to paint... Uhh... Something space-y. Like an alien.

Regina: Aww yeah! This is the right way! Awesome!
Shia: Slow down!
Regina: No way! This is a race!

Maia: Oh yes... This will be over before you know it! Man this is going great.

Noah: Oh yeah! Artist and Astronaut! I am on fire!

Kayle: MOAR! I need more colour!

Shia: Would one of you. Kindly. Hurry up. Thank you.

Leroy: Not this one either...? Come on!

Shia: You know what... What is stopping me from going on?

Voice: Woah! Slow down there Japan-man! You need to paint first.
Shia: It was worth a try!

Noah: Uh Zaire...
Zaire: Hmmm?
Naoh: I think we're painting the same thing.

Devon: Look at this! It's a masterpiece! I'm done! Guess who is in FIRST PLACE!

Shia: Ok. Now watch the master painter at work!

Maia: And I am done! Good luck all!

Noah: No way! She painted the same as us!
Zaire: Yeah but faster! Lets hurry up!
Maia: I'm coming Devon!

Devon: I choose... Uh... This door!


Maia: Hmm... This is interesting.

Zaire: Done! Man I am good!

Zaire: Well I guess this door will do!

Noah: Yeah they're literally the same painting... Oh well... At least it's done...

Noah: Humpf. Which one do I choose?

Kayle: Guess what girls! I'm doooone!

Kayle: Last door here I come!
Shia: But I am nearly finished! Nooooo!!!

Leroy: Finally! I found it! Thank god!

Leroy: Now time to start getting my paint on!
Regina: Leroy... It's over already.
Shia: We have not won! Very unfortunate.

Leroy: Dammit! 

Voice: Thats it... Its all over... All doors have been claimed. It's time to see a winner.

Door on the left... I believe its... Zaire?

Voice: Red. Sorry Zaire you have not won.

Zaire: Dang. Oh well... Don't wanna look like too much of a threat already... Right?

Voice: Door on the right... Noah?

Voice: Sorry Noah... Its a non-winning door.

Noah: Thats what I get for being too slow I guess.

Voice: Door second on the left? Who is it.... 

Voice: Ahh... Devon... Sorry to say its not you.

Devon: *sighs* Oh well...

Well... Final two doors... Maia... Kayle... Who will be the winner?


Voice: Sorry Maia it appears that Kayle is the winner!
Maia: Oh. Dang. Was hoping I'd be the one!

Kayle: OH EM GEE!!! I WON?!!?!?! YEAAAAAHHHH!!! 
I'd like to thank my parents for giving birth to me... Ooh and my kindergarten teacher Mrs Hatch!

Kayle BY NINJAKID150 - 10G 10M 10TV = 30 + 4T = 34 ($80,000) 
Maia BY CAREWREN123 - 10G 10M 10TV = 30 + 4T = 34 ($105,000)
Zaire BY LOVESSTORMS - 9G 10M 10TV = 29
Devon BY MOJOT89 - 9G 9M 10TV = 28
Noah BY EVETFOOTWEAR - 8G 10M 9TV = 27
Regina BY KINGSMARTIES - 9G 8M 7TV = 24
Shia BY M13VULPECULA - 8G 6M 10TV = 24
Leroy BY ALLEENMENS - 2G 5M 1TV = 8

(Secret Tiebreaker for Ninja and Carewren... Answer was $33,997)

All: Congrats. Well done. Good job.
Voice: Thanks contestants... You may head home. You are free for the rest of the night.

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens 
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
幸せな   バーベキューグリル by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150


1. Pokemon
2. Minecraft
3. Monopoly
4. Grand Theft Auto (GTA or any games in the franchise)
5. Pacman
6. Nintendo 64
7. Call of Duty
8. Wario or Wariowear 
9. Space Invaders
10. Nintendo Wii

1. ET
2. Alice in Wonderland
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5. Toy Story
6. Star Wars
7. Scarface
8. Jaws
9. Finding Nemo
10. Nightmare Before Christmas 

1. Once Upon a Time
2. Doctor Who
3. Breaking Bad
4. Adventure Time
5. Friends
6. Sesame Street
7. South Park
8. The Simpsons
9. Glee
10. NCIS

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