Sunday 22 February 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 11: Backstab, Frontstab

Episode 11
"Backstab, Frontstab"

*       *       *

*Elimination Day*

Maia: Oh Zaire! Either of us will be going home. I can feel it! I just wish it wasn't true! 

Zaire: Naaaaw Come on Maia! All you need is a bit of positivity.  Lets both stay in this. We CAN do it!

Maia: But that means we'd have to send Leroy home. And thats still a horrible outcome!
Zaire: We don't have a lot of choice Maia. This is survival of the fittest!

Zaire: Besides. We're all here for our own reasons. Its all part of the game.
Maia: I know I know.
Zaire: You just need to smile! Be happy! You might be one step closer to victory tonight!
Maia: ...Or one step closer to my bed back home. 

Zaire: Stay positive! Think positive thoughts. 
Maia: I'm going to go see if I can cheer myself up with some food.
Zaire: Theres chocolates in the fridge I think. They're free!

Maia: *leaves*
Zaire: Hmm... I don't think she's convinced shes staying. She's usually right. Maybe she isn't staying.

*       *       *

Maia: Positive... Be... Positive...

Maia: Chocolates. Yum Yum!

Maia: This will DEFINITELY cheer me up!

Maia: Mmm mm!
???: *cough* Ahem!

Maia: Oh, hello Leroy!

Leroy: Those aren't MY chocolates from the fridge, are they?

Maia: Um... Well... You see... *sigh* Zaire said they weren't owned by anyone.
Leroy: Well he was wrong. I was going to enjoy those before the elimination!
Maia: I am SO sorry!!

*       *       *

Noah: So... Elimination. Whats the go?

Kayle: Isn't it obvious?! Like tell me! Its so obvious! Isn't it?... The person going... So obvious! Right?

Noah: ... Um... Apparently not?
Regina: Who? And more importantly why?
Kayle: ____! Because lots of reasons!

Regina: Well... I think they're a great person to target. There's 3 of us... So if we all vote the same it would guarantee them going right?

Noah: Yeah. I agree. I think its a sensible choice.
Regina: So are we all agreed?
Kayle: Obviously!
Noah: I think so... Maybe... Let me consider it.

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome contestants, to the third elimination of the season!

Voice: Tonight, either Leroy, Maia or Zaire will go home! 

Voice: One by one you'll all head to the Voting Room and... Well vote! So good luck!

Voice: Regina. You're going to vote first... And we'll follow from left to right.

Regina: Ok. Well... I vote to eliminate Zaire because I can. I don't really have any reason for any of the nominees.

Zaire: Hey! What the hell Regina! Not cool!
Voice: Yeah! Not cool Regina. Sit down!

Regina: I... Um... Oh
Voice: You were supposed to vote in confidential... In the Voting Room!

Regina: I am so sorry... This is embarrassing!

*       *       *

Kayle: I vote to eliminate _____ because he doesn't like my fabulous piano skills!

Noah: I vote to eliminate _____ because he totally threw me under the bus during the last challenge!

Zaire: I wish I could vote for Regina but... I vote to eliminate _____ because it isn't me.

Maia: I vote to eliminate _____ because I have to vote for someone, right? I wish I didn't but it's part of this game. 

I vote to eliminate _____ because she ate my chocolates! 

*       *       *

Voice: All the votes are in! Someone has been eliminated. 
Agian, like last time. We'll see who had the LEAST amount of votes! 

On 1 Vote...


Leroy: Safe?! Awww Sweet!

Voice: That means either Miserable Maia or Zaire the Regular Nominee will be eliminated tonight.

Maia: Good luck Zaire! Stay positive, yes?
Zaire: Good luck to you too... But I already have Regina's vote.
Maia: Theres still 4 other votes... Could be either of us!

By a Vote of 3-2-1

!!! Zaire !!!

Voice: Zaire you have been eliminated by your fellow contestants.
Zaire: Crap! Positivity my ass! Thanks Regina!

Voice: That means Maia. You are safe.
Maia: *wipes tear* I am so sorry.

Voice: I'm sorry Zaire. But your time is up. You may say your goodbyes and head to the front.

Maia: I am so sorry Zaire. It should have been me!
Regina: Zaire I am infinitely sorry! 

Zaire: Nah! You win this! Good luck to you... And to all of you. I wish you all the best. No hard feelings.

Zaire: Oh... And uh... About that date? After the show?
Maia: Sure! Goodbye Zaire
Leroy: Cya Zaire!
Kayle: Byeeeee!
Noah: Bye Dude!

*       *       *

Zaire: Well, at least I know I tried my best.  It wasn't anyone's fault. Just how the game goes. ...... I loved being here and I'm looking forward to watching the rest to see who the final winner will be.  Peace out!

*       *       *

Voice: Congratulations Leroy and Maia... You have survived another elimination.
You are the final 5 and lucky for you next challenge will be a non-elimination!

Voice: That is all contestants. Have a good night!

*       *       *

Sorry to see you go Zaire/lovesstorms. Thank you so much for participating! 
Zaire was an awesome character to have :D And I am so sad that his part of the story is over... Though I can't wait to have him back in the finale for more! ;)

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

Monday 16 February 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 10: Does X Mark The Key?

Episode 10
"Does X Mark The Key?"

*       *       *

Previously, on Locked, Regina won her second challenge and earned herself a chance to win possibly her second key!
The contestants (ie. The Production Crew) couldn't wait for the next Square Ceremony... We're all anxious to see the results!

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome contestants to another Square Ceremony!

Voice: Now last time, we saw Regina having a selection. This time, we yet again see Regina in the grid. Regina, what is it like to be the winner two times in a row?!
Regina: I can say it is a fabulous feeling! I'm so proud and I'm hoping that I get another key on the first try!
Voice: Good luck with that... Do you think this new found luck will stay with you throughout this game?
Regina: I can only hope so!

Voice: Now before Regina's stroke of good luck we saw Leroy's bad luck in the grid. Leroy, do you think that you are the opposite of Regina?... Luck wise that is!
Leroy: I don't think I'm that unlucky. It was just chance. I did win the challenge after all! That was good luck! So I wouldn't say I'm the opposite of Regina's good luck.

Voice: Kayle.We don't have any questions really relevant to the game for you right now... But uh... Hows life?
Kayle: Good... I guess... I mean its awesome! Being on the show and stuff. I'm loving it here!
Voice: Good. And what exactly is your dream job.
Kayle: I wanted to be a fox as a kid... So I guess that was always my dream job!
Voice: Right... Good luck with that?

Voice: Maia! 
Maia: Hello mysterious voice we've never actually met!
Voice: Yeah hi... That makes for a good question segment we should do!... What gender do you think I am Maia?
Maia: Oh jeez... Um... Male? No! Female...? Both...?! Neither...! You know I'm not quite sure.
Voice: Thats alright... We'll see soon I guess.

Voice: Zaire and Noah... What happened during the challenge? Why did you both do so badly at memory?
Zaire: Can I answer this one?
Noah: Sure.
Zaire: It was all Noah's fault.
Noah: WHAT?! No way man! I'm not gonna take all the blame.
Zaire: You were distracting me! I would have aced that quiz if I paid attention!
Noah: You could have just told me to be quiet! But no you talked with me instead!
Voice: Aaaaaandddd.... We'reeeeee... Ouuuuuuuuuttttt offff TIME! Sorry no more questions.
Noah: Awww...

Voice: Regina! It's time for you to step onto the Treasure Grid!

Voice: Alright Regina. You may now make your first choice!
Kayle: Good luck Regina.
Zaire: Not that you'll need it.
Regina: Thanks guys!

Regina: I know this is a bit cliché... But I'm going to choose X!

Voice: Will it be a key on the first try again?!

Voice: No sorry... Thats a dud square.

Regina: Oh well... Can't be right allll the time, right?!

Leroy: Ha! Maybe your luck has turned for the worst! Lets hope you don't miss out on a key like I did.
Regina: Shut up Leroy! Don't jinx this!

Regina: Besides... I have two more tries!
I choose Q as my next square!


Regina: Orange?! AHA! In your face Leroy, my luck is still here!
Voice: Congratulations Regina. You have earned your second key, the orange key!

Voice: Sadly, your next choice will not be shown. However, because we need 3 nominees we would like to know what letter you WOULD have chosen.

Regina: I would have chosen U.
Voice: Me?
Regina: No. U!
Kayle: I think she means me.
Maia: I think she means the letter U.
Regina: Yes! I mean the letter!

Voice: Well, sadly we will not see what that square holds... But we will see who is nominated... 
Your first choice was X.

The Person Nominated is...

Voice: ZAIRE!

Zaire: Every time... I'm starting to think I'm cursed!

Voice: The next letter was lucky Q!

The Next Person Nominated is...

Voice: Leroy!
Leroy: Just. My. Luck... What can I say?

Voice: The last square would have been U... Which means...

The Last Person Nominated is...

Voice: Maia!

Maia: How unfortunate. This really is a horrible feeling. I understand your issues now Zaire.

Voice: And these are our three nominees!
Leroy, Maia and Zaire.
One of you will be going home next episode.

Voice: However, Regina will be going home... Uh... Well inside with the Orange Key in her pocket.
This bust will represent the Orange Key for the time being.

Voice: That concludes our Square Ceremony! Good luck to the nominees. I will see you all tomorrow night for our next elimination!

*       *       *

15 Squares Left
5 Keys Left
10 Blanks Left

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150