Monday 9 February 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 9: Memory Wipe

Episode 9
"Memory Wipe"

*       *       *

The contestants of Locked got a bit bored from the regular 5 roomed house. So we decided to take them to the park for something a bit different.

Zaire: Alright boys. Who wants a drink?

Leroy: I'll have a zesty zebra, barmaid!

Zaire: Dude. What happened to respect? A please would be nice.

Noah: I'll have the most exotic drink you can make please Zaire!
Zaire: Much better. Coming right up.

Zaire: Watch as the master of mixology gets his moves on!

Leroy: Man! Since when did you have such skills behind a bar?!

Zaire: It's always been a talent of mine.
Noah: I think the house could do with a bit of improvement. Maybe a bar and a party room might liven the house up a bit.

Zaire: Hey Regina! Do you wan't anything to drink?
Regina: Oh. No thanks. I'm not too much of a drinker.
Zaire: Aww come on. I'll at least pour you a fancy glass of water.

Regina: Make it a glass of juice then.
Zaire: Sounds good.
Regina: Thanks Zaire.

Leroy: Lookout guys... Really party girl over here!
Regina:Damn right. I'll be partying with all the money that I win after this show.
Noah: Burn! Cause she has a key and you don't! HaHA!
Zaire: Psst Noah. You don't have a key either.

*       *       *

Kayle: RAWR! I'm a space monsterrrrr!!! Muahahah!

*birds whistle in the tree*

Maia: Look at how lovely those birds are. Their beautiful plumage and colourful feathers. I could honestly watch nature like this all day!

Maia: It's all so fasci-
Kayle: MAIA! Did you see me?! Did you see me?!

Kayle: I should win an Oscar for my performance as The Space Monster on Locked. What do you think? Do you think I'm a good enough actress for that?

Maia: I think that's a perfectly reasonable idea sweetie.

Kayle: Cool! I'm gonna go catch some frogs!

Maia: Its like I've never left teaching.

*       *       *
*The Challenge*

Voice: Welcome to Challenge Number 4. This is called "Recap"

Voice: For the first part of the challenge we'll be splitting you into teams of two.

Voice: You'll both watch previous episodes of Locked.

Voice: Pay close attention because you will be quizzed later.

Voice: In the second part of the challenge. There will be quick questions about the episodes you have watched. The person who gets the answer right can target 3, 2 or 1 player/s. Last man or woman standing wins.

*       *       *

Voice: Zaire and Noah are in the Green Room.

Voice: Leroy and Kayle are in the Blue Room.

Voice: Maia and Regina are in the Red Room.

Voice: Paper has been provided to you if you wish to use it. The episodes start... NOW!

Zaire: Do you think we'll get any popcorn... Or like snacks and drinks?
Noah: Nah I think it'd be too distracting... Like those people in every movie theatre that always eat really loudly.
Zaire: Oh yeah I hate them!... Though sometimes that person is me.
Noah: I think thats everyone. Do you think they engineer theatre snacks to be louder than regular snacks?
Zaire: I don't know. Probably.
*the conversation continues through the episodes*

Leroy: Why are you standing up and so close to the screen?
Kayle: Duh! I have to watch super carefully if I want to win!
Leroy: I don't think being closer is any easi-...
Kayle: Shhhh! Just watch!

Regina: I think this won't be too hard.
Maia: Are you joking? I am NEVER going to remember any of these!

Voice: Thats it! 

*       *       *

Voice: Alright contestants. You've been in the episodes. You've watched the episodes. And now for this episode, you'll have to answer some questions!

Voice: Alright. Are we all ready to begin?
Noah: No!
Zaire: We were distracted the whole time! 
Noah: We remember hardly anything!
Maia: You aren't disadvantaged. Trust me!
Kayle: I was super close to the screen and I can't remember a thing!

Voice: Oh well... The questions start now!
What colour mat did Regina have in Episode 1/Challenge #1?

Regina: Blue!
Voice: Thats correct! Which 3 people would you like to target?
Regina: Maia, Noah and... Zaire.

Voice:  Question 2. How old is Devon Chapman?

Maia: 28!
Voice: Thats correct! Which 3 people would you like to target?
Maia: Regina... Leroy and Kayle.

Voice: And now we're even again! Next question...
Who once said... "My apologies... It is hard to stick to one language when I am so nervous. I am extremely scared!"

Leroy: Shiawasena did!
Voice: Thats correct! Which 3 people would you like to target?
Leroy: Noah, Maia and Zaire.

Voice: Who came second in the first challenge?

Regina: Maia did!
Voice: Thats correct! Which 3 people would you like to target?
Regina: Zaire, Noah and... Leroy.

Voice: What was the ratio of votes in Episode 6?

Kayle: It was 5-1-1... Not in Shiawasena's favour!
Voice: Thats correct! Which 3 people would you like to target?
Kayle: Sorry boys. Zaire and Noah... And Leroy!

Voice: Zaire and Noah are eliminated. 2 People from now on until the next elimination.
What was the first square (Letter) chosen by Leroy in the Treasure Grid?

Maia: A?
Voice: Thats correct! Which 2 people would you like to target?
Maia: Kayle and Leroy.

Leroy: Why me?! I'm behind!
Maia: Sorry.
Voice: Who once said... "I'll be right back... Don't wait for me."?

Regina: Devon... The last time she spoke to us. :(
Voice: Sadly, thats correct! Which 2 people would you like to target?
Regina: I am so sorry to have to do this... Leroy and Maia.

Voice: Leroy has been eliminated. Only 1 target from now on.
Voice: Who once said... "Oh right. It's a race!"

Regina: That would be Leroy. In the first challenge.
Voice: Thats correct! Who would you like to target?
Regina: I'll eliminate Maia.

Voice: Maia has been eliminated. Good luck girls.
Which contestant become the first ever nominee?

Regina: Shiawasena!
Voice: Thats correct!
Regina: Kayle... obviously.
Voice: Obviously...
In what Grid was Zaire eliminated in Episode 7/Challenge #3?

Regina: That would be the 5x5 grid!
Voice: That is...

Regina: Thats it... Sorry Kayle!

Voice: And with no other contestants left...

Voice: REGINA!!! You are the next winner... Again!
Regina: Woohoo! Winner twice in a row! Two keys here I come!

*       *       *

Regina - 5 4 7 - 16/30
Kayle - 4 3 6 - 13/30
Maia - 1 2 6 - 9/30
Leroy - 2 2 4 - 8/30
Noah - 1 2 3 - 6/30
Zaire - 2 1 2 5/30

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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