Monday 27 April 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 17: Falling Maia, Hidden Piggy

Episode 17
"Falling Maia, Hidden Piggy"

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*At the Locked Mansion*

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(I've never seen Kayle look so serious before XD)

Kayle: Who is ready for some hot-diggity-dawgs?!

Maia: I am so excited for a hotdog. I've been craving them all week!
Regina: You aren't pregnant are you Maia? 
Leroy: You and Zaire didn't... Did you?!
Maia: What?! Of course not! Guys!

Maia: Are you sure you know how to cook hotdogs, Kayle?
Kayle: I used to have my own hotdog stand at the park! Of course I know how to cook them!
Maia: Do you need any assistance?

Kayle: No assistance needed! They are done! Lunch is served everyone!

Maia: Alright time to taste these!
Regina: *takes a bite*

Maia: ... This... Is an interesting hotdog... What kinda meat is this?
Kayle: Dolphin!
Maia: Uhhh...
Kayle: Just kidding... The regular kind!

Regina: *whispers* I think this is poisoned.

Leroy: These hotdogs are as hard as a rock! I can't even bite into it!

Kayle: Mmmm... Cooked to perfection!

Regina: You know what will distract us from this meal?! Conversation!
Kayle: Distract?! What do you mean dis-...

Regina: We've never talked about why we are all here... What are you guys gonna do with the million if you win?... Personally, this is all for charity....... with some going to myself of course! But mostly for charity.

Maia: Well. I'm here because I want to open an animal sanctuary. Some place where animals, big and small, endangered or not, can live in peace and protection! It's an important issue I'm keen about.
Leroy: So, you're an animal lover?
Maia: I am. Animals have just as much rights as humans!

Kayle: I'm here for the adventure!
Maia: That's all? Just for fun?
Kayle: Well yeah... Money isn't everything!
Maia: I guess not. Theres more to life than money.

Leroy: I'm here for a cause I little closer to home. I haven't talked about this much. It kinda pains me to think about so to keep myself from being sad, I kept it to myself. I'm playing for my sister. She's currently in need for an operation after an accident and without this money, she won't walk again. She might even die!
Maia: Oh my god! I am so sorry Leroy!
Regina: What happened?!
Leroy: I'd rather not go into it. But I thought I'd let you guys know.

Maia: Well, it seems some people have better reasons to be here than others...
Kayle: What's that supposed to mean?!

Taiha: CONTESTANTS! Quick to the front yard! It's CHALLENGE TIME!!!

*       *       *

Taiha: Your next challenge will be set, yet again...

Taiha:... HERE! At the Locked Mansion!

Taiha: This game is called "Hide and Seek" and will be a simple game of hide and seek. You'll each have an object to hide somewhere in or around the house. Find someone's item and they are eliminated. Last one standing wins.

Maia: Hide and Seek? Child's play!
Leroy: This will be a piece of cake!

Kayle: Mmmm.... Cakkkkkeeeeee!

Taiha: You'll each find your items just behind this wall, which is here to prevent cheating. You'll know which is yours... I hope. Kayle, you're up first!

*       *       *

Kayle: Items... Items... I don't see any ite-...

Kayle: CAKEEEEE!!!!!

Kayle: Where do I hide a Cake... The fridge? Nah. My stomach... Nah... Treasure Grid... Yes!

Kayle: I guess these bushes will do fine? No one really takes notice of them do they? They're all interested in the Grid itself.

Kayle: I'll be back for you my precious!

Kayle: Done!
Taiha: That was quick.
Kayle: I found a good spot pretty easily.

Taiha: Regina. Your go!

Regina: If I'm the pig... I am seriously going to injure someone... Why am I the pig?!

Regina: Inside... There is more places to hide in here. 

Regina: Hmm... So many options. I need to find somewhere no one will even consider.

Regina: The dance floor... Not enough things to hide behind... How about.... Ummm.

Regina: Wait... Was this here before? I don't think I've seen this part before!

Regina: Wow. There is a whole balcony here! And we didn't even know!
Taiha: Neither did production until this moment.
Regina: Wait... You can hear me?!
Taiha:........ No.

Regina: Stay here Piggy! Mumma will be right back!

Regina: I swear you could hear me...
Taiha: I couldn't! I promise.
Regina: I'm done by the way.
Taiha: Cool!

Taiha: Leroy! You next!

Leroy: Ooh. Another car!

Leroy: Where to hide, where to hide.

Leroy: If my sister were here... Where would she say...?
Leroy: Probably the barbecue...

Leroy: On second thought... 
*throws car*

Leroy: Who in their right mind would check the pool?!

Leroy: All over!
Taiha: Alright. Last but not least... Maia!

Maia: A picture of an apple... Because I'm a teacher, no doubt.

Maia: There are plenty of bushes outside. I could hide this in any one of them and no one would have the time to search them all!

Maia: Here should do the trick. Good luck finding this one. Hehe! 

*       *       *

Taiha: Good work contestants. You've all successfully hidden your objects... Now, its just a matter of finding each others before they find yours!

Taiha: Once you find either: A Cake, A Car, A Picture of an Apple, or A Pig. Bring it back to me and I will announce that contestant is eliminated. Got it?

Taiha: Get ready.

Taiha: Get set.

Taiha: GO ALREADY!!!

Kayle: Dancefloor. This is a good enough starting place as any!

Leroy: Aww crap! I forgot how big this house is... Maybe I should get in the minds of other contestants.

Maia: I'm not following you I swear.

Leroy: You are so following me!
Maia: I swear I am not!

Leroy: If I were Maia... The gym is where I'd know best!

Leroy: But where... I know! The secret voting room.

Leroy: Hmm... I guess not.

*       *       *

Maia: I might as well check everyone's beds. I considered hiding it under someone else's bed.

Maia: I guess no one thought to hide under Leroy's Bed.

*       *       *

Regina: Hidden objects... Hidden Keys... Treasure Grid.

Regina: *sigh*... It's not even hidden. It's plainly visible!

Regina: Kayle! You are NOT gonna win this one!

*       *       *

Kayle: Oooh. I think I wrote this song!

Kayle: Oh right. The challenge. Gotta find some items. I'll head inside!

Kayle: On second thoughts... I've never seen this area before. That would have been an amazing place to hide!

Kayle: Ooh! This balcony has a barbecue! It's big enough to hide a dead body in!... Don't judge me!

Kayle: Why hello there Mr Piggy! COME HERE! PIGGY PIGGY!

*       *       *

Taiha:  How you both managed to find items so fast...

Taiha: ... And each others for that matter... Is beyond me! Either way you are both out of the challenge.

Regina: I KNEW exactly where you'd hide yours! I know you so well.
Kayle: Finding yours was just good luck!

*       *       *

Taiha: Regina and Kayle have both been eliminated by each other! Since there are only two of you left... I'm gonna narrow down the search a bit!... There are no items in the pink room!
Leroy: Wow... Give a hint about the room which I'm already in! Thanks a lot TAIHA!
Taiha: Sorry!

Leroy: Alright... Lets see here.

Leroy: There is too much cash in this for an item to be in there. I'll go look somewhere else!

*       *       *

Maia: This house is huge! This would have been fun with all eight of us at the start... Though we didn't have the house back then.

Maia: I feel like someone would hide near a plant... But I guess that was just me... Oh I hope Leroy didn't hear that!

Maia: I think I know where to look! *Maia trips on the stiars*

Leroy: MAIA?!... MAIA! Are you alright?! 
Someone help!

Taiha: Oh crap... Not another lawsuit... Please don't sue!
Kayle: What do you mean ANOTHER?!
Regina: Is the production crew gonna help here?!
Taiha: An ambulance is on their way... Don't worry Maia everything will be fine!

Leroy: Since I'm the last one standing, does that mean I win?
Taiha: Sure whatever!

No Maia's were harmed in the making of this episode.

*       *       *

Taiha: Contestants... After that tragic challenge in which lasted a good... Ten minutes or so... Leroy has reigned victorious! Due to Maia's incident with gravity. Maia how are you feeling?

Maia: I was in a lot of pain... I'm alright now but... Why am I a hotdog-clown hybrid?

Taiha: We thought it was funny, and we couldn't find a full body cast for you.

Maia: I only hit my head and hurt my arm and leg. I don't need a cast... And I don't need to look like a fool!
Taiha: Too late! Sorry Maia.

Taiha: Leroy. You are tonight's winner... And will be able to look in the grid... 
You were posed with an offer earlier this evening... Would you like to approach the grid and tell your fellow ladies the news?

Leroy: Uh well... I was offered... Since this is the final 4 and nominations are a bit shifty... I was offered instead of searching for a key. I was allowed to take immunity for the next elimination. Meaning I am part of the final 3!
Regina: What?! No fair!

Taiha: He won it fair and square... Almost.
Maia: Good luck to him, in the finale without a single key!

Leroy: My time will come! I'm sure of it!
Taiha: This means that our three nominees for the final 4 are the three ladies, Kayle, Maia and Regina. However, there will not be an elimination this time... You'll have to wait until next challenge.

Taiha: Thanks contestants... Have a great night.
Maia: Some one help me up please?... Anyone?!

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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