Sunday 12 April 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 16: Partying Like Theres No Tomorrow!

Episode 16
"Partying Like Theres No Tomorrow!"

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*Pop music plays from the stereo*

Kayle: Woo! This party has officially begun!
Leroy: Drinks guys? Who's up for some wicked drinks?!

Regina: I'll have one please Leroy!
... What dance is this again?
Kayle: Its... The... I'm not even sure dance?

Regina: Lookout... This dance train is leaving the building!

Leroy: Alright Maia! I'm gonna make you the drink of a lifetime... Courtesy of  Zaire's epic drink making teachings!
Maia: Why thanks Zaire... I mean Leroy.

Leroy: It won't really be to his standards, but it'll be good none the less.
Maia: Right. Thanks for trying though.
Noah: Can I get one too bro?
Leroy: Mhmm.

Leroy: Here it is! One Zebra Zest!
Maia: Looks... Great!

Maia: *sips drink* 
Tastes... Iffy.

Leroy: Aww man. I was proud of that.
Maia: No no! It's good!
Regina: Hey guys! Come have a dance with us! We all need to party before the elimination tonight!

Regina: Maia? Noah? Leroy?
Maia: Anything to get me away from this drink.
Leroy: What was that?

Noah: I'm not much of a dancer really... But sure... I'll give it a go for you Regina.
Regina: Yeah! Party time!

Noah: I have no idea what I am doing.
Kayle: None of us do.
Maia: Speak for yourselves! 

*And they partied all night long*

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No Elimination Today Guys :D
You can all breathe easy... Unless you're Maia or Regina because they weren't up anyway XD
Next challenge, however, will be nominations WITH and an elimination.

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Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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I missed making the episode on April Fools and I thought I was funny if I ended the episode there... 
I'm not funny though... I know XD
There is an elimination :\ Sorry guys

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Noah: Wait a minute! I have a question to ask!

Maia: Yeah?
Regina: Go ahead Noah. Spit it out.

Noah: Why have we never partied or anything before every other elimination? This will be the last time us five are together!

Maia: Last time we tried to celebrate Devon had to leave remember?
Leroy: So when are you going Maia?
Maia: I'm not even going to dignify that.

Leroy: I was joking. You know that, right?
Kayle: GUYS! Lets go get some Chocolate Cake and celebrate! :D

*       *       *


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*The Elimination Ceremony*

Taiha: Welcome Contestants to the Elimination Ceremony. You've all been partying hard but tonight one of you will be no more and we will have our final 4!

Taiha: Tonight on the chopping block. 
Noah the Nerdy
Kayle the Kray Kray
Leroy the Unlucky

Taiha: Due to production costs, and the fact that our question writer went on holidays and won't be back until next week... We won't be having question time.

*       *       *

Taiha: You've probably been wondering where you're going to be doing your votes in this house!

Taiha: Perhaps you've been wondering whats in the locked door that Leroy found in the gym... Actually probably not. I personally didn't care what was in there.

Taiha: It's the new Secret Voting Room!
You guys know the drill.
You're up first and we'll follow from there.

*       *       *

Regina: I vote to eliminate _____ because this contestant is well over their sell by date.

Noah: I vote to nominate  _____ because I want to be King of the house and I fear s/he may usurp me.

Kayle: I vote _____ because he isn't me!

Leroy: I vote to eliminate ______ because... Sorry :'(

Maia: I vote to eliminate _____ because I'm determined to win.

*       *       *

Taiha: That's it. Votes have been cast and its a surprising one!... To me at least.

Taiha: Lets begin how we always have... By revealing who is NOT going home this time!

The person with the least amount of votes... A total of ZERO votes!

!!! KAYLE !!!

Kayle: I'm safe!?! But I have 2 keys! And no one thought to vote me?... I'm not excited as I should be... More shocked?

Noah: Crap. It's me then isn't it.

Leroy: No way. It's me... There's only so many times I can be up on the block before my already poor luck runs out!

Taiha: Sadly, the time is up for one contestant....

With a vote of...

Noah: *taps fingers nervously*

! 3 - 2 - 0 !

Leroy: *gulps*
Taiha: The contestant going home tonight is...

!!! Noah !!!

Noah: Awww no! Really?! Why me?

Noah: I tried my hardest. Sad I couldn't get a key or even a win. But I had a hell of a time here!

Regina: I'm gonna miss you Noah! Bye!
Noah: Bye Regina. I'll miss you too.

Noah: Stay cool guys. See you all in the finale.
Leroy: Sorry Noah. I honestly thought it was me going this time!
Noah: It was a close call. Sorry Leroy. Stay strong.

Kayle: BYEEEEE! Thanks for all the fun Noah!
Maia: Goodbye Noah. Good luck with life on the outside of this game!
Noah: Cya guys!

Taiha: Noah. Sadly, you've said your goodbyes. It's time to leave the show.


Taiha: To Leroy and Kayle, congratulations! You survived the elimination and congratulations to the lot of you! You've made it to the final 4 and therefore have outlasted four other contestants. Good work! Ill see you all tomorrow for another challenge!

*       *       *

Noah: I want to say that this challenge has transformed me as a sim, I no longer dream only of space and would now like to develop myself more comprehensively as a sim and citizen and maybe one day a starship trooper. To infinity and.... oh forget it! I really want to say that I'll miss everyone, even Maia I suppose.

*       *       *
Thank you so much to Evetfootwear for submitting Noah and playing. 
Sadly, you didn't get any wins but thats about the same for half the contestants. It was great to have you here and I'm sad to Noah go :(
It was awesome to see a non-familiar face around in these forum shows and I was so glad you joined! Thanks Evet!

Congratulations Final 4!

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Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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