Friday 8 May 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 18: A Baker's Doesn't

Episode 18
"A Baker's Doesn't"

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*The Locked Hou-... You should know this already but I still write it as an intro EVERY time*

*Maia weakly punches the punching bag*

Leroy: You seem to have made a quick recovery.
Maia: It was only a few sore limbs, bruises and scraps. It wasn't that hard to recover from.

Maia: Besides... I'm a tough girl. I can take whatever punches are thrown at me!
Leroy: Too bad you can't give the punches the same.

Maia: You forget I'm only new to this whole attitude. I was just a humble teacher before.
Leroy: Yeah I know. You've developed for the best.
Maia: Riiight.

Maia: Look at the view! Isn't it wonderful?

Maia: You can hear the sounds of the water from here! This HAS to be my new favourite spot.

Maia: I can hear the water... The birds... The... Hang on?
*voices can be heard*

Regina: So is this our new meeting spot?
Kayle: Yup. I think we got found out in the last one... Besides... The bathroom is a pretty public spot.

Kayle: So we're agreed on this. Final 3 right? We're in this together.
Regina: Of course. We're friends and I think its best if we make it there together.

Regina: I only feel sorry for Maia. But she's cornered now.

Maia: You'll never guess what I heard.
Leroy: A bird?

Maia: A secret alliance meeting...
Leroy: You mean between Kayle and Regina?
Maia: Exactly. How did you know?

Leroy: They're the only two that aren't us. Plus they've been close friends since the start. What were they saying?
Maia: I'm going home next. That you and them are the final three!
Leroy: Hmph. What are you going to do?

Maia: I'm not sure...
Leroy: Well... You have to have some kinda idea?!
Maia: There is one idea... 
Leroy: And whats that?
Maia: Just some payback.

*       *       *

Regina: I could really go for some food right now. Do you wanna cook tonight or shall we order pizza like Leroy did last ngiht?
Kayle: I heard he got in trouble for that. But sure! PIZZA!!!

Maia: Hey girls... Leroy and I decided we'd have leftovers for dinner. But it seems all we have left is this cake. So I thought I'd bring you girls some.

Maia: Hehe... Heheheh... Hahahaha. Oh Maia you are one cheeky devil!

Kayle: That's so nice of her to bring us... CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!
Regina: Its a shame she's going to go home though. She's so generous too.

Kayle: *whispers* Caaaaaaake. Om nom nom.

Regina: Girrrrl. Something is not right with this cake!

Leroy: You look smug... What happened? Did you stab them both?!

Maia: Lets just say I gave them a little taste of their own medicine!

*       *       *

???: BLERGGHHHH! When will it end?!

*       *       *

Taiha: Welcome to challenge number... Uh... Eight? This is one is a fun one! So be prepared to, you know, have fun!

Taiha: In this small park are four buildings. Each will be owned by each of you.

These buildings are small bakeries in which you will have to run all on your own.

You are to use the kitchen to bake a meal in order to get customers that will wander in and around the park!

Whoever gets the most customer sales will win!
And points for the most delicious!

*       *       *

Taiha: There are no rules to what you can bake! Just do what you can to make people want to eat yours over the others.
GO! Pick your bakeries!

Kayle: Oooh... Yellow... Like the colour of gold!... Kinda.

Regina: Awww. This is cute. I hope this will attract the customers. After that chocolate cake earlier... I don't wanna see another cake again! But oh well.

Maia: Practical... And Pretty... I am in my element here.

Leroy: Yeah... I am not a bakery expert... But I'm sure this will do just fine.

*       *       *

Taiha: The customers are arriving! You should begin now contestants!

*       *       *

Maia: What to make? There are so many options here but I'm not sure what to make.

Leroy: I have no idea what I'm gonna do... I just hope whatever I throw together with this stuff will work out well.

Maia: Mhmm... This souffle will do perfectly.

Maia: La lala la lala la lala! 

Leroy: I hope this isn't poisonous... I'll add it anyway. No one will know.

Maia: I'm lucky my mother spent all that time baking with me and my sister when we were younger. If only she'd known it would help me get to victory on reality television!

Leroy: Well... Now we play the waiting game!

Kayle: Lets see... We have... Milk... Eggs... Cola... Some fruits... A half eaten sandwich... Broccoli. 
So many options!

Regina: Oh yeah! I am gonna whip up the meanest batch of oatmeal cookies you've ever seen!

Maia: I hope I remembered the recipe correctly. I don't want to ruin these perfect baked goods!

Regina: Hmmm... What next?
Nancy: Hi.
Regina: Oh hello! Sorry I wasn't ready yet.
Nancy: So no baked goods here yet?

Nancy: Thats a shame. I'll come back later.
Regina: Please do! They'll be done soon!

Leroy: Perfect... Man who knew I could make sure a perfect cake!... It was supposed to be chocolate though... Meh. Who cares?

Maia: Mmmmm! Smells delicious! Freshly baked chocolate souffle. Courtesy of Maia and my mumma's recipe!

Nancy: Oh neato! That smells delicious. How much?
Maia: For you... I'll give you a first customer discount. $3. It's going to charity too!

Nancy: Thank you so much.
Maia: You're welcome. Tell your friends... By the way you look familiar!
Nancy: I guess I just have one of those faces.

Kayle: Alright... Into teh oven you go you delicious thang!

Leroy: Sooo... Where are all the customers at?

Ollie: Well sis? What do you think? Strawberry Cake for your birthday?
Cassidy: Sure. How much?
Leroy: Since it's your birthday... I'll give it to both of you for a $1 each!

Ollie: Happy Birthday!

Regina: Come on! Come on! That lady is going to be back any minute! And these cookies are STILL not done!

Keenan: Say... Where did you get that lovely looking souffle?!
Nancy: *points to Maia's bakery*

Keenan: I'll have one please.
Maia: Sure. $4

Keenan: Thank you.
Maia: No. Thank YOU.

Kayle: Finally these brownies are done! Sale time... Maybe after I sample a few of them!

Regina: Done! Delicious Cookies are a go!

Regina: Now I just have to wait for the customers to roll in...

Michelle: Where would you like to go darling? There are a few different places to choose from.

Cindy: This one! It smells the prettiest!
Glen: Good choice pumpkin!
Michelle: I'll check it out.

Michelle: Hi. What have you got on offer today?
Leroy: Strawberry Cake...
Michelle: Mmm... How much?

Cindy: Strawberry! My favourite!
Michelle: We'll take three then!

Glen: Of course I'm the one to pay for it all... How have you been young Leroy?
Leroy: I've been doing great sir! I mean... Mr Conroy.
Glen: Please just call me Glen. Anyway good luck with this bakery. Goodbye Leroy.

Leroy: It was nice to see you again too... Jerk.

Kayle: *sigh* I left a few for the customers... IF I HAD SOME! 

Kayle: AH! OMG!
Matt: He-hello? Are you alright?
Kayle: Sorry. I thought you were a ghost. Haven't seen a customer all day!
Matt: Oh sorry... I'll have one brownie please.

Kayle: Hope you love them as much as I do!
Matt: Thank you. Have a great day.

Regina: ... Nothing... Not a single person.

Regina: Like how am I supposed to sell anything if people won't walk into my store! Grr... I think I made a bad choice!

Regina: I'm never going to make any sales here!
Even: Hello?

Even: I'd like to buy one of these cookies. Thanks?

Regina: Uh yeah sure... It's uh... $3
Even: Say... You seem familiar.
Regina: Well we do have the same creator.
Even: Huh?
Regina: You know... Um... God?

Julia: Mmm. They smell delicious.

Julia: Well well well... If it isn't Even Steven. Fancy seeing you in a place like this. I thought you'd be too busy trying to organise that mess of a show of yours...

Julia: What was it called?... Deformity?
Even: Abnormality?
Julia: That's the one.

Even: It's a show that is a TON more popular than you'll ever be a part of Julia.
Julia: Haven't you heard the news? I've gotten the rights to a new show. Zero Privacy.
Even: That's a blatant copy of Abnormality and you know it!
Taiha: You know what's a good show... Locked!

Even: It's not even original. I would start a whole creative integrity spiel but-
Regina: Um... Hello?!
Julia: I don't have time for this... I have to be live at the house in twenty minutes. I'm needed.
Even: It's about time someone needed you. How does it feel?
Julia: I'd explain but you wouldn't understand.
Regina: AHEM! I'm trying to sell cookies here.
Julia: Oh right. I'll buy two. One for me and him.

Julia: I'm just kidding about everything, Even. You know I love you and your show.
Even: Thanks for the cookies, Julia.

Leroy: Thanks again for buying so many! I'm glad to be the backup for the party!

Ava: Do you know where we're going?
Ali: I thought this was the way to the food!
Ava: I was following you.
Ali: I was following you too! Oh my god!
Ava: We are so alike!

Ali: I don't know where the exit is!
Ava: Just keep walking. You'll find it!

Leroy: I'm doing so well today... I hope the others are doing shitty so I'll win again!

Ali: OMG! Pink! I love pink!
Ava: Strawberry! Yummm!

Ava: Thanks so much! We LOVE Strawberry cake.

Leroy: They forgot to pay....... AND forgot to shut the door.

Taiha: That's it! Time's up!

Taiha: There are no more customers... I think.

Taiha: Alright... This challenge wasn't about how much you made or how good it was... It was about how many people you sold to.

Taiha: Lets review the scores... Kayle?
Kayle: Uhh... One?
Taiha: That's all. Mustn't have been too many people today. Bummer.

Ninjakid150 - 6:30
The Real Life Contestants had to complete a puzzle in the shortest time... This episode is just a representative of the places.

Taiha: Regina! Done any better?
Regina: Why yes... I had two.
Taiha: Not too much of an improvement.

(KingSmarties - 4:55)

Taiha: Either of you do better? Maia? Leroy?
Maia: I got... Uh... Two as well... I think.

(Carewren123 - 3:28)

Leroy: Well.. I got at LEAST... Eight!
Taiha: Which means... Leroy! You are the winner yet again! You'll get a REAL chance in the Treasure Grid this time! Good luck!

(Alleenmens - 3:18)

Taiha: Thanks Contestants. You may now head home!

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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