Wednesday 25 March 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 15: The Most Drama This Show Has Ever Had!

Episode 15
"The Most Drama This Show Has Ever Had!"

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Leroy: What movie is this again?
Noah: Space Mummy 5! One of the greatest movies of all time!
Regina: Right... Are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?

Regina: And by that I mean Maia. Her attitude has changed in the past couple of days... And I'm not sure if its for the better or the worse.

Noah: Yeah I've noticed it too... Training... Competitive smack talk... Among other things. She definitely seems different.

Leroy: WOAH! When did you get here?
Kayle: I was literally here the WHOLE time! 

Kayle: Nah. I was upstairs watching Play-Doh videos on Youtube and wanted a strawberry Popsicle so I cam here.
Noah: Leroy! You've been in the gym with her a lot... Whats the deal?

Leroy: I'm just going to move over here. More space.
Kayle: I take up only like a sixth of the couch!
Regina: Are you calling us fat or something Leroy?
Leroy: No... I just felt like moving and thought I had to justify it.

Regina: So Leroy. Give us the goss! What is up with Maia these days?

Leroy: What can I say... She trains hard! Shes focusing on training her body and her mind to win... She's apparently sick of being second place... Which in my opinion makes sense but we're all... Well... Noah and I are in the same boat.

Leroy: Though unlike her we aren't going all psycho crazy about the game and winning. I mean have you seen any physical challenges recently? I think its a waste of her time and-
Everyone: Shh shh!

Kayle: *whispering* Act. Natural.
Leroy: *whispering* Since when do you act natural?!
Regina: This is a confusing movie... Frankly, I think it's a bit boring and cliché.
Noah: BORING?! How dare you! This is the best movie!

Maia: Hi guys. What are you watching?
Noah: Space Mummy 5!
Maia: Oh. And what are you talking about...?
Regina: Oh nothing...
Kayle: Just the movie! Yeah!

Maia: Look... We all know that isn't true. What are you all talking about? Is it me?
Regina: No we were just discussing th-...

Maia: Don't lie to me. I heard the little snickers and shushing! Did I do something? Why are you trying to deny it?!

Regina: Look Maia we all wanna talk... And its nothing major.

Regina: We're all worried about your change of attitude. You've become a bit... harsh and a bit hot-headed.

Kayle: Come have a seat. Leroy didn't want this one so you can have it.
Maia: I see. I get the leftovers?
Kayle: Thats not what I meant.

Maia: Look. There is nothing changed at all about me. I'm the same, nice, caring, loving and friendly person I've always been!
Noah: We think the opposite. This game is getting to your head and it's starting to turn you into a power hungry player!

Maia: Nothing is getting to my head, Noah! 
... Now if you all excuse me, I'm going to go get ready to earn my key and nominate three of you.

Leroy: You're just bitter because we all voted out your 'boyfriend', isn't it?

*       *       *

Maia: *sobs under blanket* Why is everyone in this house so bitter to me? Why?! I'm a nice person!

*       *       *

Taiha: Righto! Welcome contestants to the Square Ceremony!

Taiha: We're here for Maia's first time in the Grid and because of the fact that it seems you've all had a rough time today... We're gonna just skip the questions this time.

Taiha: Maia please step into the Treasure Grid!

Taiha: Would you like to make your first of three choices?
Maia: I would Taiha. I really would!

Maia: For my first choice... I'm going to go with M for Maia!

Taiha: Well I wish you good luck.

Taiha: Ooooooh. Dang.

Taiha: Sorry Maia. You have two more chances though!
Maia: It's ok. I've got this! A key will be mine!

Maia: My next choice... Is going to be K! K for Key? It's gotta be!

Maia: *whispering to herself* Please God of the Treasure Grid. Please let me get a key now!

Maia: No! This can't be. One more shot! 

Maia: There needs to be one over this side of the Grid right?! I choose F!


Maia: Please tell me this is a red key!
Taiha: I'm so sorry Maia... But like Leroy, you've failed to get a key this time. I'm sorry.

Taiha: Another failure to find a key by someone that isn't Kayle or Regina. We feel your pain Maia.

Maia: I'm so disappointed. I know how Leroy feels now!

Taiha: It's time to see how the nominations fell this time... The first square you chose was M, which was red.

The First Person Nominated is...


Kayle: No! My worst dreams are true! This is a nightmare!

Taiha: Maia. The second square you chose was K.
Which means...

The Second Person Nominated is...


Leroy: I am not surprised... Ever. This is literally the same thing every week!

Taiha: And lastly, F!

The Last Person Nominated is...


Noah: Well that sucks horribly.
Taiha: Noah please swap chairs with Maia.

Taiha: These are the three nominees. Kayle, Noah and Leroy. This concludes the Square Ceremony. Thanks everyone.

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9 Squares Left
4 Keys Left
5 Blanks Left

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Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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