Thursday 21 May 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 19: Gone Girl

Episode 19
"Gone Girl"

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Kayle: *sighs*
???: *knocking can be heard*

Kayle: I've been expecting you Mr Blond!

Leroy: Again? That's the second time you've done this!
Kayle: Oh my god finally!
Leroy: How many times did you try that?

Kayle: Just the once! I'm so proud of myself!
Leroy: Riiight... And what did you want to talk about so urgently?
Kayle: Come have a seat!

Kayle: You remember our talk earlier this season... Which was a while ago?
Leroy: Can't say I do... There's been heaps.
Kayle: The one where we formed an alliance... Golden Blondshells?

Leroy: That's still a thing? We haven't mentioned it since it started.
Kayle: Of course it's still a thing! Why wouldn't it be? We agreed to it so it'll stay.

Kayle: Regina and I want you to vote out Maia and since we are in an alliance... I think that you and I should do that.
Leroy: So you both want it to be Maia gone?
Kayle: Yeah of course!

Leroy: What if Maia was safe and I wasn't?
Kayle: But she's not!
Leroy: Maia heard you and Regina talking... You made a truce no matter what was going on that you two were safe until the end. You would've just used me and then kicked me out.

Leroy: Ever thought that maybe Maia needs this money as much as I do... Or Regina? Maybe you should be the one going... You do have two keys.
Kayle: Leroy wait... We need to talk abou-
Leroy: I don't think we need to talk about anything, really.

Kayle: Are you gonna vote Maia or not?! Friendship finale?!
Leroy: We'll see.
Kayle: LEROY!!!

*       *       *

*The Treasure Grid*

Taiha: Welcome to today's Square Ceremony!

Taiha: In the hot seat... Uh... Winning seat? Leroy!
Leroy: Yahoo! Lets do this! I'm ready.

Taiha: Before we get to that... I might actually ask some questions today.
Leroy: Really? You never do them anymore?! Can't I just get it done?
Taiha: Not yet! Soon I promise!

Taiha: What do you think your chances are for winning a key today?
Leroy: I think my chances 4/9.
Taiha: Precise... I get where you got that... Ha. Ha. Ha.
Taiha: Who do you think will follow you into the final stretch, Leroy?
Leroy: I'm not sure... But I'm sure they'll be female...-ish.

Taiha: Kayle.
Kayle: HI TAIHA!
Taiha: Hiii! Um... Would you say that in this house, which is more important, friendships or alliances?
Kayle: Friends are for life! So I think being friendly and having lots of friends is VERY important!

Taiha: Maia. You've had a crush... You've had a fall... You've had wins... You've had a power trip... You've had fights... What's left for you to have in this game?
Maia: I'd say a key.
Taiha: Oh yeah. Do you think that makes you the least threatening player?
Maia: These two lovely ladies next to me both have two each and with Leroy possibly getting a key I'd say I'm the least threatening at the moment. Yes.

Taiha: Regina! Since Leroy won the immunity into the finale... This is your first time knowing you could be going home... Are you nervous? Scared?! Are you shitting your pants?!
Regina: I am all of the above. This is the scariest time of my life! I really don't want to go. I'd love to have made it to the end and lose, than not have made it there at all.

Taiha: Alright Leroy... Your time has come! This time... TRY and get a key!

Taiha: Take your time... You don't wanna mess this up! NO PRESSURE!

Leroy: Calm down... I've got this... I'm going to choose... "O" for my first pick!
Taiha: O no!... I mean... O yes... I guess we'll have to wait and see. Hehe.

Leroy: Here we go... Wish me luck ladies!
Maia: Good luck Leroy!
Regina: You got this boy!

Leroy: Dear KeyHolderInTheSky... Please let this be a key... I've done nothing but try... It's about time I win something right? Cool. Thanks.

Leroy: Blue?! HAHA! Awww yeaaaa! That means I got a key! On the first try! Sweet!

Taiha: Awesome!
Leroy: O yes!
Taiha: That was my pun. Congratulations Leroy! You have won yourself the light blue key!

Taiha: Your key will be held by this snazzy blue car!

Taiha: There are now 3 keys left... For 8 spaces! Still a few to be won guys and gals... but for now, this Square Ceremony is adjourned!

8 Squares Left
3 Keys Left
5 Blanks Left

*       *       *

Maia: *talking to the onions* Onions... Don't make me cry right now.

Maia: *beginning to tear**talking to the onions still* Look at them all over there... They're all so close. There is no way... Theres just... There. 

Maia: *talking to self* I can do this. I can survive this!

Maia: Here we are everyone. I hope you all enjoy this meal!

Leroy: And what is this?
Maia: Only the greatest chicken stir-fry you'll ever taste! I got the recipe from Devon one night before she left.

Leroy: Two-Four-Six-Eight. Dig in, don't wait.

Regina: So Maia...
Maia: Yeah?
Regina: Is this meal poisoned too?

Maia: Excuse me?! 
Regina: You heard me.
Maia: I have NO idea what you are on about.

Regina: Please... Like I don't know you poisoned the cake that you gave to Kayle and I.
Maia: I had no idea! You can't blame me for that! 
Regina: I'm sorry if I don't trust the food you put in front of me anymore.

Kayle: It's no ones fault there was nothing wrong with that cake! It was delicious!
Regina: That cake was poisoned... Excuse me for questioning this chicken!
Maia: You know what... Fine...

Regina: All I'm saying is...
Maia: I don't want to hear it Regina! I do something nice for us all and you ruin it! Thank you.
Regina: Maia... I'm-
Maia: Find your own dinner!

Kayle: I think it tastes pretty alright.

Leroy: I think it tastes... Brilliant!

*       *       *

Taiha: Welcome to the 5th elimination this season! The final elimination before we hit the final stretch! 

Taiha: Tonight the three girls will be up for elimination...

Taiha:... And due to his immunity Leroy is safe and into the finale already! But who will follow?

Taiha: It's time for the most crucial vote of the game... Leroy, please head to the Voting Room to cast your vote!

*       *       *

I vote to eliminate _____ because... Sorry... I don't like it but whatever.

Maia: I vote to eliminate _____ because there can only be one winner.

Regina: I vote to eliminate _____ because I think she is my strongest rival left in the game so far, so getting rid of her would be able to secure my win in the final three.

Kayle: I vote to eliminate _____ because she isn't me, and I am very sorry. I wish no one had to leave now. We are all so close. Even after the food poising that got Regina... Bad cake doesn't effect me.

*       *       *

Taiha: Your votes have been cast and there is a clear loser tonight! No ties and no need for a revote! Which is good, what good voting we've had this season!

Let's reveal who has the least votes...

On 0 votes...

!!! Kayle !!!

Kayle: YAHOOOOO! Finale here I come! Good luck everyone!

Taiha: Maia... Regina... One of you will be going home tonight.

The person not going home tonight... Due to only receiving 1 vote...

!!! Regina !!!

Regina: No way... I... I survived?! But Kayle and I have keys!

Taiha: It's official... With 3 votes... Maia you have been eliminated.
Maia: *sighs* Oh well... I had the greatest time here.

Leroy: We'll miss you! Sucks we couldn't take all of us to the finale.
Regina: I am SO sorry for everything. I hope there are no hard feelings after everything!

Maia: I love you all and I'll miss you guys! But I'll be back soon for the finale right?! Besides Zaire is waiting for me.
Kayle: Have fun!
Regina: Good luck girl!

Taiha: It's time to go Maia. Limo is waiting!

*       *       *

Maia: Overall I had a great time here. I really needed to do something outside of my comfort zone, and I think this experience was just what I needed. I've had so much fun. Plus I've met some great people, and I was especially lucky to meet one person in particular. For those reasons I can't really be too sad now that it's time for me to leave. So good luck to everyone left, it's been real, it's been fun, but I've got to go... I've got a date to get ready for.

*       *       *

Taiha: Congratulations to Regina and Kayle... Both with 2 keys but still here to live the tale!

Taiha: Leroy, Kayle and Regina are this season's final 3 and one of you will be the winner of $1,000,000! From now on, no more elimination and no more voting.... It's all challenges and key picking now... 

Taiha: Once all the keys are picked and all the squares are empty. We will open the chest with the keys to see who the winner is! What an exciting finale it will be!
But for now... Goodnight contestants!

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Thank you so much to Carewren123 for submitting Maia and joining us this season as a brand new face we've never seen in the community ;) 
I am so sad to see Maia not go to the finale because I think she was the most fun to play around... She went from loving to serious to crazy and everywhere in between and I loved to write for her! She is probably one of... If not... My favourite character!
Thank you so much for playing Carewren :3 Hope you join a season 2 if there is one ;)

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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