Wednesday 24 June 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 20: Three Amigos

Episode 20
"Three Amigos"

*       *       *

*At the Locked Manor*

*       *       *

Regina: Can you believe it? We're the final 3! We've made it to the end... Almost.
Leroy: Yeah. Who woulda thought I'd make it to the end.
Regina: Not me. Knowing your luck, I would have expected you to go first... maybe second?

Leroy: Thanks for the confidence in me. Regina.
Kayle: Hey! Remember back in the days of ol'! YEARS AND YEARS AGO!
Leroy: You mean at the start of the show right?
Kayle: Oh yeah... It feels like years ago... Anyway... Remember when we all lived in the same bedroom.

Regina: Hey yeah! We all started out in that big bedroom. 
Leroy: Weird. Maybe it was a lucky bedroom?
Regina: Not if you were in it, it's not!
Leroy: *sighs*
Regina: Besides. Noah was in it and look how he ended up.
Kayle: DEAD!

Regina: NOOOO! Not dead! Just-
*doorbell rings*

Leroy: Uhhh... Were you expecting anyone?
Kayle: Did anyone order a pizza?
Leroy: Sadly, I did not.
Kayle: Cool. Lets order one!

???: Perhaps they aren't home.
???: Nah. They'll be there. Where else have they got to go?
???: He's got a point darlin'.

Kayle: Pepperoni or Meatlovers?
Leroy: I don't mind. You can choose.
Kayle: What if we draw keys and the winner gets to decide which one?
Regina: Shouldn't we answer that?

Leroy: That's not exactly fair. I only have one key and you have two.
Kayle: I thought you didn't mind?
Leroy: I don't really. I'm just trying to keep things fair.
Regina: I'm going to go answer it.

Regina: Better not fall down these stairs. I don't want to have another Maia moment happen in this house.

Regina: Who knows what they'd dress me up as if I fell. I mean I could be dressed up as Darth Vader or something like that... *unlocks door*

Regina: Oh... Hello! Wasn't expecting anyone. Care to come in?

*       *       *

Leroy: So... Who are you guys?... And uh... Girl?

Amanda: Hello Leroy. I'm Amanda. I'm 34. An accountant and financial adviser. My interests include: Soccer, Puzzles and Solving Equations. I'm here today for the competition.

Lucky: Howdy. I'm Earl but people call me Lucky. I'm 57 and my interests include: Poker, Football and My Family. I'm also here today for y'all in the competition.

Eric: Sup? My name is Eric. I'm 20 and a University Student. I love: Sports, Sudoku and Going to the Bar to drink. I'm the third part of this competition today.

Eric: We're Eric...
Amanda: ...Amanda...
Lucky: And Lucky!
All 3: But together we are... "Team Unstoppable"!

Kayle: Team What-Now?

Amanda: It's simple, really. Each of us will be up against each of you in three activities.
Eric: In order to win this challenge, you'll have to be the best of the best... Of the best!
Lucky: The winner will be whoever outa the three of y'all does the least worst against one of us. 
TU: Got it?
Regina: Lets go! 
Leroy: You're going down!
Kayle: Don't hurt us!

*       *       *

Lucky: Howdy Regina. You and I will be partnered for this here challenge. You'll be up against me for three separate events. I've taken you to my favourite place to visit.

Lucky: Outdoors in the park!

Regina: What challenges will we have to compete in?
Lucky: Firstly, we'll be attempting to outlast each other on these here treadmills.

Lucky: Then we'll move onto a nice friendly game of Chess. Use them ol' brain cells.

Lucky: Finally, we'll move onto my favourite. A nice game of cards. Which happens to me my specialty.

Lucky: So Regina. Are you ready?
Regina: GRRR! Bring it on!!!

*       *       *

Lucky: Alright Regina. Are you ready to begin the running?
Regina: I was born ready Earl.

*They begin running*

Lucky: I hope you don't mind that I used to be track champion in my home town.

Regina: Hmpf. You're not going to make me concerned. I'm focused, and I'm going to win this.
Lucky: Alright Darlin'. Whatever you say.
Regina: Please... They should be calling you Leroy instead of Lucky. Because you're unlucky to have me in the competition!

Lucky: I'll pretend like I understood that reference.
Lucky: Look at that sorry sight over there.
Regina: You're not going to distract me either.

Lucky: Seriously, she's her get up and go must have got up and went.

Lucky: She's just layin' around. People like that just really churn my butter!
Regina: I don't know what you're talking about and I'm NOT going to turn around to look.

Lucky: Honestly, look at her. Nappin' on a public bench. Ain't that jus-
Regina: You know what...?! 

Regina: I can win the other two... I don't need to waste time with this.
Lucky: Well it's too late to change your mind now that you've stopped.
Regina: I'm ok. I've made my choice.

Lucky: I know darlin'. I understand. Saving the energy and the morale for the other two games? Smart move Darlin'! Smart move!

*       *       *

Lucky: Alrighty. Are you ready for a real challenge?!
Regina: Of course I'm ready... Do you even know how to play old man?
Lucky: I've had plenty of practice at Chess over the years. 

Regina: I'm not chess expert. But I myself know how to win. 
Lucky: You don't look the type to know chess.
Regina: Whats that supposed to mean?
Lucky: All pretty but not expecting more than one oar in the river. 

Regina: What's THAT supposed to mean?
Lucky: Nevermind. Check. Your move little darlin'.

Regina: Hmmm...
Lucky: What are you up to?
Regina: You'll see.

Regina: *moves piece* Check and MATE!

Lucky: Woah. Damn girl! Didn't know you were THAT good at chess.

*       *       *

Lucky: Alright. You may have won Chess... But now you're up against my strong point.
Regina: I'm still yet to see any strong points from you....... Now how do I play this game?
Lucky: It's simple. Too simple... Kinda like you darlin'.

Regina: I'm loving the smack talk. I don't usually get to do anything like this around the other contestants. But once I beat the hell out of you. You'll be gone from my life for good. So it doesn't really matter.
Lucky: It's your go.
Regina: You're really focused aren't you.

Lucky: If I were you I'd be focusing too.
Regina: And why is that?

Lucky: Because you just gave me the winning card!
Regina: Wait what?! When?! How?!

Regina: *sighs* Card games were never my forte anyway.
Lucky: They're not for everyone. 
Regina: Just you it seems.
Lucky: That's why they call me Lucky... Because I'm good at cards.
Regina: I'm sure that's why *rolls eyes* More like lucky you're still alive.

Lucky: Well Regina. I've had a sweet time here with you. You've put up some tough competition darlin'. Hope you win this challenge.
Regina: Thanks Earl. It was great to play.
Lucky: I'm told that you're allowed to stay here for another hour or so, but then back to the house.

*       *       *

Amanda: Welcome Leroy to the challenge. You'll be up against me for three challenges set here at one of my favourite places to visit.

Amanda: The beautifully decorated Museum!

Amanda: To begin, we'll be playing a simple game of cards in which we must be able to get the winning hand.

Amanda: Then we'll be going head to head, attempting to endure each other and last the most amount of time by running on these treadmills.

Amanda: And to conclude our challenge, we'll be versing each other in a friendly, but cut-throat game of Chess. My specialty!

Amanda: Do you have any questions before we commence?
Leroy: Sure! How badly do you want to be beaten?!
Amanda: We'll see who does the beating in these challenges, Leroy.

*       *       *

Amanda: Alright, lets begin by going over the rules.
Leroy: Screw the rules! Lets get this game started!

Amanda: Well. This certainly is enjoyable. It's not every day you get to do a challenge like this with a complete stranger!
Leroy: Well... Maybe not for you. But I've been doing it for a couple weeks now.
Amanda: Ah yes. It must be quite and experience for you here on the show.
Leroy: Yeah... Certainly a lot of experiences to talk about here.

Amanda: What do you think of your fellow finalists?
Leroy: Regina and Kayle? They're great. Lovely and awesome chicks! I'm glad to be in the finale with them.
Amanda: Interesting. Do you think they pose a threat to win?
Leroy: I feel like we've all got an equal chance at winning. Some more equal than others... I need to win though. I have a sister who needs money for medical treatments and help.

Amanda: Oh!... Well. In that case. Would it be unethical of me to go easy on you in this game?

Leroy: Ha! Go easy? Not with the card I just picked up! Go as hard as you like. I've got this in the bag.

Amanda: Alright. Well in that case. It appears I have a winning hand here.
Leroy: Wait. What? No... Go easy! Go easy!

Leroy: I kid. Well played Amanda. Well played.
Amanda: Ditto to you. You almost had me worried once or twice during that game.
Leroy: You? Worried? I can't see it. Not with a pretty face like yours.
Amanda: *blushes* Oh... Well... Um.

*       *       *

Amanda: Are you ready to commence Round Two?
Leroy: I was born ready.
Amanda: Unlikely. But lets begin. Our time begins now!

Leroy: So Amanda. Tell me about yourself.
Amanda: What is there to tell? What would you like to know?
Leroy: Anything really? I've been hanging with the same 7 people for the last couple of weeks... Its nice to get to know someone new.
Amanda: Well... I guess one day we'll have to get more acquainted. Perhaps your fellow contestants and our Team Unstoppable will be available for a reunion after the show?

Leroy: Perhaps.
Leroy: Are you alright there? You look like you're having trouble keeping upright?

Amanda: I'm fine. I just haven't retained as much energy as I'd hoped and I'm beginning to lose my focus, that's all.
Leroy: Well I can go alllllll day.
Amanda: As can I. I have played in soccer matches, running around for lengthier periods of time than this treadmill exercise.

Amanda: You see I used to- *stumbles* Woah!
Leroy: Amanda are you alright?!

Amanda: It seems you have me bested. Congratulations.

Leroy: To be honest, you weren't that much of a threat.

*       *       *

Amanda: Now we are up to the final game in our challenge. Chess!
Leroy: I'm going to be honest with you. I am not a confident chess player.
Amanda: I will also be honest with you. I AM a confident chess player.

Amanda: Lets begin shall we?
Leroy: Whatever. If we must.

Amanda: Now just remember. A good defence is sometimes a good offence.
Leroy: Alright. I'm not sure how that works... But if you think defence is a good idea for this game. I'm willing to try.
Amanda: I am merely stating. I'm not a coach. I'm a competitor.

Leroy: Well... Defence it is!
Amanda: Okay.

Amanda: Sadly, your defending was a few moves too slow. It appears you are in Checkmate and have lost. My apologies.
Leroy: All good. It's just a stupid game anyway.

Leroy: Best two out of three though right?
Amanda: Sadly, I still believe I would win all three of those games.
Leroy: Nahhh... We could always find out.
Amanda: Perhaps another time.
Leroy: Cool. It's a date then.

Amanda: I've enjoyed our time together. However, the competition has ended and you are free to go.
Leroy: Just because I can leave... Doesn't mean I have to leave you, right?
Amanda: As flattering as you are. I don't think you're my type.
Leroy: Aww man. Shut down!

*       *       *

Kayle: What are we doing?! Where are we going?! Huh? Huh?
Eric: I told you a few blocks ago that everything would be explained. And now we're here!

Kayle: The nightclub?
Eric: Duh. Where else would you wanna go for this challenge? I'm not going to go anywhere as boring as a library or something would I?

Eric: Anyway, we'll be playing three different games. A game of chess.

Eric: Some cards down at the dancefloor.

Eric: And my personal favourite. Running for endurance on the treadmills!

Eric: So whatcha say? You ready to get your ass beat?
Kayle: Bring it on E-Man!

*       *       *

Kayle: Are you ready to die?
Eric: Woah! Since when did you get possessed by satan?
Kayle: Since FOREVER!
Eric: Haha. Rightio.

Eric: So... Kayle.
Kayle: Yeah?
Eric: Final 3, right? What will you do with the money if you win?

Kayle: Ahhh. I can't tell you that one! It's a secret only I will know! Until I win that is... THEN you'll see my ideas and with all the moolah, I'll be able to make all my dreams into realities!

Eric: Just remember when you're rich and famous. You're old pal Eric who beat you in chess that one time on international television!

Kayle: Oh don't worry. I have the memory of a saber tooth tiger!
Eric: Is that good or bad?
Kayle: Oh it's so good... I remember things BEFORE I knew them in the first place!

Kayle: And judging by this game. I think I remember me winning it!... Yup! Checkmate!

Eric: Wow. I guess I won't be that Eric. Maybe I'm confused with someone else. Onto the next game.

*       *       *

Eric: Alright. Hopefully you know the rules.
Kayle: Yeah yeah. Amanda went on and on about them before we all left.
Eric: Don't mind her. You get used to her pretty quickly. It's Earl you have to REALLY tolerate.

Kayle: Umm.. Eric... I can't spell anything with these cards!
Eric: Tough luck.

Eric: This game is difficult. Even for me. And I had practice too!
Kayle: Practice?
Eric: Yeah. My grandma and I used to play this all the time before she passed away.

Kayle: I'm sorry to hear that.
Eric: Don't be. I was the one who drove the forklift... Muahahahhaha!... I'm kidding.
Kayle: Hehe. You're amusing!

Kayle: Look! It's a king giving himself brain surgery!

Eric: Look. A star! Because I'm the real star of this show!
Kayle: Pfft. Keep dreaming. Everyone knows that the weirdos behind us are the stars.

Kayle: I'm an expert on weirdos and I have to say I am looking straight at the biggest one!

Carlito: Hey pal. Get your girl to quit staring at me. And I heard what your little twig of a bimbo said. But I'm going to let that slide.
Eric: She wasn't talking to you. Now go away. We're filming.

Carlito: Please. I've heard about this B-Grade show. I heard both of its viewers died last week. Sad loss. Everyone knows that Abnormality is the leading television show at the moment.
Eric: Pause the game, Kayle, while I fix this.

Eric: Didn't you hear me, asshole? We're filming television here. That means. PISS. OFF!
Carlito: How about you force me to. I'd like to see you try.
Eric: Don't tempt me. *Eric stands*

Carlito: Take this!

Eric: Ow!
Kayle: Holy crap! Is that red stuff blood?!

Eric: Don't worry Kayle. I got this!
Kayle: You go Eric! You da man!

Eric: Piss off!!!!
Carlito: Ah! No! Raspberry! You'll pay for this!

*       *       *

Eric: I am so sorry about causing a scene back in there. I just don't handle assholes well.
Kayle: Nah. It's cool! You stood up for me AND for the show I'm in. Which in my books is awesome!

Eric: Look. I think we'll just say that you won that card game. And as an extra apology. I'll say you won the endurance challenge as well after I injured myself one the stairs.

Kayle: OMG! Thank you so much Eric! You're the awesome-est!
Eric: No problem. Maybe no you'll remember me as Eric who saved you in a nightclub.

*       *       *

Amanda: Welcome back home. I hope you all enjoyed your separate challenges today. I know for some of you it was a great experience to finally converse with people from outside this game.
Eric: Alright. Lets review how everyone went and then we'll decide on who the winner is. Lucky?

Lucky: Well... Regina and I endured a hell of a lotta smack talk. 
She gave up on the endurance run.
She beat me in a game of Chess
Unfortunately, she didn't beat me at my own game of Cards.

Amanda: Leroy was rather different. We had an enjoyable time together. Though most of it was flattery on his behalf.
Leroy was unable to beat me at Cards.
He was, however, able to beat me at the endurance running.
Unfortunately for Leroy, my Chess and logic skills were superior and I claimed victory.

Eric: Well. Kayle and I really enjoyed each others company.
Kayle was able to beat me at the Chess match.
Kayle and I were interrupted during our card match, but she was able to win in the end.
And when it came to my endurance run. Due to an embarrassing injury, she succeeded. Props to her.

Regina: Well... It seems like we all had different experiences today. Right? So who is deemed the winner?

Lucky: We all took a vote and after a discussion. We decided that...

Lucky: Leroy and Regina both tied for second place.

Amanda: And due to her exceptional performance, Kayle will be deemed the winner of the challenge and will be able to search for a key tomorrow in the Square Ceremony.

Kayle: *whispering* Thank you.
Eric: *whispering back* I don't know what you're talking about.

Lucky: That's all from us. We hope y'all have a great time in the finale.
Amanda: We wish you all the best of luck and that each of you have a fantastic time up until the very end.
Eric: And we hope the winner, whoever they are, enjoy and let others enjoy with them.... Thanks guys. 
All: Goodbye!

Regina: Well they seemed nice.

*       *       *

Hold the Button:
Kayle - 00:04:22:46:13
Leroy - 00:01:11:25:54
Regina - 00:00:00:20:87

Knights Placements:
First - Regina/Smarties
Second - Kayle/Ninja
Third - Leroy/Alleen

Blackjack Events/Scores:
1 Nine
2 Ace
3 Three
4 Jack
5 Six
6 Ten
7 Seven

Round 1
R - 9 and 10
K - 3 and 10
L - 3 and 7

Round 2
R - Ace and 6
K - 10 and Ace
L - 9 and 6

Round 3
R - Ace and 6
K - Ace and 7
L - Ace and 7

Round 4
R - Ace and 3
K - Ace and Jack
L - Ace and 3

R - Forfeits
L - Ace and 10
Blackjack - Kayle

Overall Scores:
Kayle - 3 + 2 + 3 = 7
Regina - 1 + 3 + 1 = 5
Leroy - 2 + 1 + 2 = 5 

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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