Friday 26 June 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 21: The Sick and Injured

Episode 21
"The Sick and Injured"

*       *       *

*The Locked Manor*

Kayle: I'm kinda missing Team Unstoppable. Eric was so sweet to me.
Regina: Mhmm girl. I could see the sparkle in his eyes. He's got a thing for you.
Kayle: I could tell. I'm just not into dating. I've got people to do and things to see!
Regina: Say what now?
Kayle: I know what I meant!

Regina: Well I can safely say I don't miss Earl at all. I mean did you-...
Kayle: Um. Regina?
Regina: Yeah?
Kayle: What's with all the red spots?
Regina: What red spots?... OH HELL NO!!!... It's fine. Probably just allergic to the chlorine.

*       *       *


Regina: Quarantined! Are you serious right now?! I'm probably just having an allergic reaction to something. That's all! It's not contagious!
Taiha: We're not taking any chances. If worse comes to worse, we'll have to eliminate you... Or put you down.

Taiha: Now drink the food and eat the medicine!

Regina: Man... This smells like death... Oh well... *drinks*
Woah, that's fast hitting stuff... I need a lie down.

*       *       *

Leroy: Man. I hope Regina's alright.
Kayle: I'm sure she'll be fine... How were you with Amanda yesterday?

Leroy: She was a great girl. Though no matter what charms I pulled on her, she didn't wanna date me. What is with that? Am I not Prince Charming?
Kayle: Nah... More of like Beast.
Leroy: I get better though right? More attractive? More lovable?

Kayle: Maybe if you win this show and all the prize money. Then ladies will come after you like a pack of wolves!
Leroy: You do remember that I'm using the money to help my sister, right?
Taiha: Hey guys. Leroy, can we have a minute?

Leroy: Sure. What's up?
Taiha: Lets go somewhere private... Like... Just anywhere but here.
Leroy: Ah... Okay?

Leroy: What's this all about?
Taiha: ???

Kayle: ... *sighs*... Alone at last.

Kayle: Well this is kinda boring. I'm gonna go find something to do.

Kayle: Its weird only have three people around. When two of them get taken away by the host, it really makes the house lonely!

Kayle: What to do... Where to go... Maybe I'll... Or I could... You know what. I'm just gonna get some cake!

Kayle: A wild host appears!... HEY TAIHA!!!
Taiha: AH!... Oh. Hehe. Hiya Kayle.
Kayle: Whatcha doing?
Taiha: I'm getting a nice saucer... Uh... Glass of milk!

Kayle: What happened with Regina and Leroy.
Taiha: Regina is extremely contagious..-ish... and Leroy is having a sit down... He had some news about his sister and he's a bit emotional and stuff.

Kayle: I'm gonna get some cake and then go give him some comforting.

*       *       *

Kayle: Are you alright in there Leroy?
Leroy: Yeah... I'm fine! Just give me a minute.
Kayle: Should I start counting?
Leroy: What?... Nevermind come in.

Kayle: So?
Leroy: So...?

Kayle: What happened with Taiha.
Leroy: Taiha just told me some news about my sister in hospital.
Kayle: How is she? Is she alright?
Leroy: She's... She's... In a worse condition than before.

Kayle: Leroy I am SO sorry!
Leroy: They say she'll be ok... But they don't know when.
Kayle: This just gives you even more reason to win!

*       *       *

Regina: *yawns* Oh man... That really knocked me out!
Taiha: Are you alive in there?!
Regina: Yes I'm alive! And I'm feeling fine... Thank you for asking!
Taiha: Eat the food we gave you. The eggs will scare away the demons in you.

Regina: Sometimes, even this show is just too crazy.
*Eats the food*

Taiha: Are you done yet?
Regina: Hang on!
Taiha: Here drink this Orange Juice!

*drinks Orange Juice*

Regina: I'm gonna go back to sleep now.
Taiha: Good girl. You get your rest and Doctor Taiha will take care of you!

*       *       *

*At the Square Ceremony*

Taiha: Welcome to the Square Ceremony... I've lost track of the numbers but I don't think it really matters. Today it's Kayle's turn to try and find yet ANOTHER key!

Kayle: Uh... Where's Regina?
Leroy: Should we wait for her?

Taiha: Sadly, Regina is dead...
So she's having a nap!

Taiha: Kayle, you may now step up to the Grid!

Taiha: Are you ready to make your first choice?
Kayle: Yup! Lets go!

Kayle: For my first one... I pick C... For "Come on! Give me a key!"

Kayle: The suspense!... THE SUSPENSE!!!

Kayle: That's the red key right?!... RIGHT?!
Taiha: Sadly not... Onto the next one!

Kayle: Fine... My next choice is N! For "Now that I've chosen this square... There better be a key in it"
Leroy: I don't think that all is represented by N.

Taiha: Good luck!

Kayle: Purple?! Yay! Thats a key!

Leroy: Three keys? Really... I have ONE... ONE!!!

Taiha: Kayle, you have won the Purple Key which was in the N Square.
Kayle: Woohoo!

Taiha: Your Purple Key will be marked by this Purple Bunny!

6 Squares Left
2 Keys Left
4 Blanks Left

*       *       *

Regina: I'm a lot better now... Wait... Did I miss the Ceremony?.... Hello?... Taiha?!... ANYONE?! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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