Wednesday 11 March 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 13: Surprise x2

Episode 13
"Surprise x2"

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Regina: Prepare yourself for the best sandwich you've ever tasted!
Kayle: What kinda sandwich are we talking here? BLT? PB&J? KFC? OMG?

Regina: You were right with one of those.
Kayle: I hope it's PB and J.

Regina: Bon Appetit!
Kayle: Woah! Thats the best sandwich I've ever seen... today!

Kayle: Smells great!... Whats the occasion by the way? Are you gonna poison me?

Kayle: *takes a bite* Mmm...
Regina: Yep. Poison the competition.
Kayle: What?!
Regina: I'm just kidding...?
Kayle: Its delicious by the way! I love it!

Kayle: Thanks for the PB&J! Wonder if Noah wants any... Where is he?
Regina: Not sure... I'm going to go have a shower.

*       *       *

Regina: *whistles tune*... Um. Excuse me! Who said you  could be in here while I shower?! GET OUT!

*       *       *

Kayle: Heeeeey Noah! Whatcha doin?!... Noah?.... Hello?

Noah: Hmm. Oh! Sorry Kayle. Was just designing my rocket. It's really putting my mind at work. See if you look here at all the programming I've designed, you'll see...

Kayle: I designed shoes once.
Noah: Right but this is a bit more of a-
Kayle: They were pretty... Not very expensive or popular... But pretty.
Noah: Yeah but...
Kayle: I mean I liked them. Thats all that matters right?.... Noah? Are you listening?
Noah: No... I'm busy.

Leroy: Woah. What a view!

Leroy: The gym is awesome... Oh... Didn't know you were in here. Since when did you work out?

Maia: Since... *puffs*... I wanna... *puffs* Win!

Leroy: So you're training hard then...?

Maia: I am just sick of being second place. I want to come first for once! I'm not about to let my game be over without winning something.

Leroy: Well I'm gonna start training too. I want to win as well... I'm not relying on my luck anymore. That's gotten me no where.
Maia: You're welcome to train with me then.
Leroy: Trust me... You'll be training with ME.

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*The Square Ceremony*

Voice: Contestants... Welcome to the... 5th?... Square ceremony!

Voice: Kayle, as the winner of the last challenge, you will get your second chance in the Treasure Grid to win another key! But before we get to that! Lets ask a few questions shall we?!

Leroy: Well actually... We've all been talking. We have a few questions for you instead!
Voice: Um... Ok? Why?
Leroy: Well... We wanna know some things... You've never actually met any of us or anything like that.
Voice: Do I have to? I'm just here to narrate and run the show and stuff!

Regina: Well we just want to know a few things about you! Like... Are you a boy or a girl?
Voice: Of course I'm a... I'm definitely a... I'm...

Kayle: Who are you? Like... Where is your voice coming from when there's like no speakers anywhere!
Voice: Well theres microphones, cameras and stuff everywhere! Who says there isn't speakers?

Maia: What do you look like? Are you tall? Short? What colour hair? What colour eyes and skin and what do you like to wear?! Give us the gossip!
Voice: I'm average height... I think... What do you think is average? Is there an average? I think everyone is pretty much the same... Thats a bit weird honestly.

Noah: And why don't you just meet us in person? Are you camera shy or ugly or something like that?
Voice: ... You know what?! You know what?!

*dramatic music starts to play*

*The fountain rises into a podium*

All: *shock*
Regina: It's... You?!

???: Surprise! I have a face... A body... A size... Hair... 

???: And most importantly a panda hat!

Leroy: I honestly don't know who you are.

Noah: I'm lost too, sorry.
Maia: I expected you to look a bit different to be honest!

Kayle: I thought you were a man!

Regina: Guys! How do you not know who this is?! Have y'all been living under a rock?!

Regina: We are in the presence of Reality TV Royalty! 
Taiha Anderson!

Taiha: Meow! Hehe!

Kayle: Weren't you on... Whats that show? With the thing and the people where they do the stuff?
Noah: Yeah that!
Kayle: *whispers to Noah* Thanks for playing along I have no idea!

Taiha: Did none of you ever watch The Mole?... Or Mini Mole?... I was going to be in Reality All-Stars too but I had to host this instead! Surprise!

Taiha: Now you can all stop bugging me with your pointless questions and stuff! And we can do the show! Yay!... Kayle you may now enter the Treasure Grid!

Kayle: What to choose. What to choose. I know! I'm going to go with my favourite thing today!

Kayle: P! B! and J!
Taiha: So P first?
Kayle: Nah, I can hold it.

Taiha: Oooh. Bad luck. Oh well. Two more tries?
Kayle: Awww man.

Kayle: The next best choice then... B!
Leroy: Bee?! Where?! I'm allergic!

Kayle: *mutters words of luck to herself*

Kayle: NO! Nononono no! Why?!

Taiha: Well... It's all down to one more... This is a lot more tense in person to watch I swear!

Noah: You're telling us!

Kayle: Only one last choice... J...
Taiha: Well I wish thou good luck.

Kayle: Third times the charm right?


Taiha: Congratulations Kayle! You have won yourself the Yellow Key! Found in the letter J! Good job!

Taiha: It will be replaced by this little yellow car! Broom broom!

Taiha: Well thanks contestants... It was nice to be here! But I'm going back to my place. Peace out cool cats.

*       *       *

12 Squares Left
4 Keys Left
8 Blanks Left

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Note: For those who don't know who Taiha is... She is one of my sims from the Sims 3. She was in Season 2 of Turnersims3/Turner 's Mole series... Hosted my own spinoff of the show Taiha's Mini Mole.

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Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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