Friday 6 March 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 12: Surprise

Episode 12

*       *       *
*At the Locked House*

*       *       *

Regina: So yeah! I'd say I'm ready for another win, why not?!
Noah: You know its pretty unlikely that someone would win so many times in a row.
Regina: Maybe its because I'm just a tough competitor!
Kayle: I think you are!
Regina: Thanks?...
Kayle: What are you doing over there Leroy?

Leroy: Hmm... Nothing nothing... I mean you'll see.

Kayle: Is that...?!

Noah: Aww sweet! 
Kayle: Whats the occasion!

Leroy: Its your birthday today! So we all pitched in... and I baked a cake. Alone. By myself. Because no one would help!
Noah: I made a strawberry one last week AND dinner! Give me a break.

Regina: Yeah. Give Noah a break Leroy. It was an amazing Birthday dinner! Thanks Noah.
Noah: Thank you Regina. I'm glad you're thankful for that.

Kayle: Well I'm thankful for this Cake!... I just didn't know it was my birthday! Everyone always forgot... So I did too.
Regina: Well you're lucky we remembered... And by we, I mean the producers reminded us.

Leroy: Blow out the candles already! Make a wish.
Regina: We haven't sung yet. Where's Maia?
Noah: In her room I think. I'll go get her!

*       *       *

Noah: *knock knock knock*... Maia
Noah: *knock knock knock*... Maia!?
Noah: *knock knock knock*... Maia?!

Noah: Can I come in?
Maia: Sure.

Noah: Are you ok?
Maia: Just... A bit down because of the whole Zaire leaving thing.
Noah: We all are its ok. We're celebrating Kayle's birthday. Wanna join?
Maia: I'm ok. I'm going to have a shower and maybe calm myself. It was a lonely night.
Noah: Alright. Holla if you need anything.
Maia: *mutters to self* I need more privacy.

*       *       *

Regina: There! Candles are lit again. Now try not to blow them out this time.
Kayle: I had a coughing fit, I'm sorry!

Leroy: Calm down. Its her birthday! Let her die if she wants to!
Kayle: So is she coming?
Noah: Shes not coming out. Shes... A little sad.
Kayle: Aww ok!
Noah: So blow out the candles. Make a wish!

Noah, Leroy and Regina: 
♪ Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Kalye,
Happy Birthday to you! ♫
Kayle: *blows out candles and makes a wish*

Voice: CONTESTANTS! We have a surprise for you AND the next challenge will begin once we arrive at a special location!
Kayle: But what about the Cake?! No!!!

*       *       *
*The Challenge*

All: *mutters in amazement* Woah! Wow!
Voice: Contestants... I would like to introduce you to...

...Your new home!

Voice: You'll be living here now... You'll have more space... More privacy, from each other that is!... And more to do! A much needed change from the previous house... Which was getting a bit dull!

Voice: Your challenge today, which is a non-elimination one, will be to explore this new home and find a small golden trophy, hidden somewhere in or around the house!

Voice: Whoever finds it first... Wins. Good luck everyone.
You may commence looking!

Regina: The obvious place would be inside upstairs... So I think the front yard people would miss. I'm looking around here.

Kayle: Into the house! Lets go!
Leroy: No way! Outside is where its gotta be!

Regina: Hey viewers!... *crosses eyes* I just don't know where to look!... I hope y'all liked that!

Leroy: Sweet! A barbecue! Nice pool setting... Sadly no trophy here.

*       *       *

Noah: First door on the left. Lets give it a go.

*Kayle and Maia go upstairs instead*

Noah: So... Much... Pink! My god!

Noah: Someone is going to have to LOVE pink... Because that's all this bedroom is!

Noah: Pink. Pink. Pink... pinkpinkpink. pinkpink. Pink!

Noah: .... And more pink... Not a single bit of gold to be found.

*       *       *

Maia: Lets see... Dining room... Kitchen.... Lounge...

Kayle: ...Toilet!
Maia: Right. Toilet as well.

Maia: Don't see any gold trophies... Would they hide it in things like drawers?
Voice: Not really... Maybe... I can't give anything away can I?

*       *       *

Leroy: At least the gardens look nice! Sadly I see no trophies in the bushes.

*       *       *

Noah: What an awesome looking study... With money? And gold?!... But no trophies.

Regina: Oh. Hey! Not in here?
Noah: Don't think so. 
Regina: Is that money?
Noah: I think it might be a prop.

Noah: Hey look... There goes Leroy outside!
Regina: Lets check upstairs shall we!?

*       *       *

Regina: What a colourful bathroom... This is Kayle's style no doubt!

*       *       *

Kayle: Red and black... Looks so nice... Not sure if this is my style though.

*       *       *

Maia: A bit childish... I feel like I'm back in a classroom!... Don't think sleeping here is my style.

*       *       *

Leroy: A gym... THIS is my style alright! No sign of Trophy in here though.

Leroy: I wonder whats in here... Hey! Its locked!... I GOT IT! It has to be in here! 

Regina: I heard yelling! Did you find it?
Leroy: No this door is locked!
Regina: Locked... Like the name of the show? Coincidence.
Leroy: We must have to find a key of sorts.

*       *       *

Noah: Oh... Hell... YES!!! This room is awesome! Look at it! Its like a dream come true! Ha HA!

*       *       *

Maia: No trophies in this room. Definitely no improvement on the last room I was in.

*       *       *

Noah: More pink... Thanks... Really needed more pink in the house.

*       *       *

Kayle: Sweet! A dancefloor and bar! We can bust a few moves here!

Kayle: Ahh... Thats a familiar-ish sight... The Treasure Grid!... Wait.

Kayle: Oh yeah! Ohhhhh yeah! I have a good feeling about this spot!

Kayle: Oh yeah! Here it is! In this little hidey hole here!
Maia: No! I was so close... Again?!
Voice: Contestants! Stop looking... The trophy has been found!

*       *       *

Voice: Congratulations Kayle! You have won another chance to search for a key in the Treasure Grid. Which will begin shortly.
As you all know. This new mansion will be your new home... And with that will be new sleeping arrangements. Each of you will have your own private bedrooms. However, as for picking which room is which, the first room you stepped foot in will be the room you will sleep.

Kayle: I can't complain. This is a sick room!

Maia: I'm sure I'll get used to this. Right?

Regina: Oh well... Beats sleeping on the bathroom floor or outside!

Leroy: Ooh cars!




Noah: I HATE whoever came up with this rule!

*       *       *

Voice: Goodnight contestants.

*       *       *
The real challenge was a game of Scattegories. Contestants would win points for unique "S" answers to the topics. 

Scores (+ Notable Answers/Funny Things):
Kayle: 16 (Said Sea Salt Icecream to like 4 different questions)
Maia: 15 (Said the same answer to the very last question as Noah otherwise would have tied first)
Regina: 14 (Will now be forced to eat her hat due to betting no one else would say Sapphire for something blue)
Noah: 12 (Is the reason Regina must now eat her hat.)
Leroy: 12 (Said Turquoise as one of his answers... That starts with a "T" nice try though Alleen :P)

Best answer/s award goes to: 
An Ice-Cream Flavour - Schweddy Balls - Alleen/Leroy
 Something that is cold - smirnoff - Alleen/Leroy
Something that is blue- A Sapphire Gem! (I doubt anyone has this, if they do I will eat a hat.) - Regina/Smarties

Most common answer was: 
School subject - Spanish - 3/5 people

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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