Monday 23 March 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 14: Locked

Episode 14

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Taiha: It's very early in the morning for the Locked Contestants...

It's no surprise that the contestants are sleeping.

Look at them... They're so cute sleeping.... Wow thats creepy of me to say!

Taiha: I'm gonna nix the narration now!
*loud noise can be heard from outside*
Leroy: *mutters* Huh? Wha?

*more noises can be heard*
Leroy: WHAT is that noise? It's too early for this.

*noise gets louder*
Leroy: Where is it coming from?... Grrr.

Leroy: Oh.

Leroy: Uh... Maia? You know its like 3am right?
Maia: I know. I'm training.
Leroy: At 3am? Look I support you and everything... But we all need sleep.

Maia: I don't have time to sleep... I have time to train... And time to win!
Leroy: Most of the challenges... Haven't exactly been very physical.
Maia: Then who says the next one won't be?! 
Leroy: Right... I'm going back to bed... Maybe you should too.
Maia: Goodnight Leroy... But I'm busy. Sorry.

*       *       *

Kayle: Alrighty everyone... Welcome to Kayle's Kitchen.

Kayle: Today we are having eggs and toast! You should all be ready.
Noah: Since when did you become master chef in the house?

Kayle: Just a pinch o-... Just a shaker of pepper!
Noah: Right right... And when do we get to the part where we all eat cereal again?

Leroy: We are gonna die from this one I just know it.
Maia: We are SO gonna die.

Regina: I bet its... Delicious *giggles*
Kayle: Of course its delicious! Duh!

Kayle: Done! Enjoy! :D
Leroy: We'll try.
Noah: *sneezes* Waaayyyy too much pepper!
Kayle: Sorry... My bad.

*       *       *

Taiha: WELCOME! To the... 6th?... Challenge!

This challenge will lead to an elimination... So good luck for that everyone!

In this challenge there will be 5 rooms... Each of you will go into one of them. Taking it in turn to keep your room or swap with someone else before you go inside.

Once inside you will have either door to the other side... Or in other words a blue coloured room.

...Or you'll get a room with no door to the other side... The Red Room!
If you get this room you will not move onto the next round. Whoever gets to the yellow room at the end will win.

*       *       *

Taiha: Noah you have A
Kayle, B
Leroy, C
Maia, D
and Regina E.

Taiha: Noah... As A would you like to swap your room?
Noah: No I think I'm good with A.
Taiha: Kayle?
Kayle: B sounds beautiful

Leroy: I'll stay with C thanks Taiha.

Taiha: Maia?
Maia: Unlike the last three... I'll swap with Regina.

Taiha: Alright... Regina you have D and Maia you have E now.

Taiha: Your move Regina.
Regina: I'll swap with Noah... I'll take A.

Taiha: Alright. Noah and Regina have swapped. Good Good.

Taiha: So Regina is A... Kayle B... Leroy C... Noah D and Maia is E!

Taiha: Contestants you may now enter your rooms!

Regina: Alright! Good choice!

Kayle: YAY!

Leroy: Sweet!

Maia: Phew... I made a good decision here.

Noah: Crap! Thanks a lot Regina!
Taiha: Sorry Noah. You have been eliminated and can't move onto the next round.

*       *       *

Taiha: For this round you can all just have the doors in front of you.

Regina: I am SO sorry Noah!
Noah: *muffled through the wall*
It's all good!

Taiha: Alright Regina?
Regina: I'm going to stay this time.
Kayle: Me too!
Leroy: And me!
Maia: I think I will too!
Taiha: Risky... I like it.

Taiha: Head inside your rooms contestants!

Maia: Phew.

Leroy: Awesome again!

Kayle: B is totally my letter from now on!

Regina: Damn! Karma got me for Noah I bet. Should have swapped.
Taiha: Yeah probably... Sorry Regina. You're not moving on.

*       *       *

Maia: Well... It's nice to see that Regina won't be winning ANOTHER challenge this time.
Kayle: I might though.
Leroy: Same.
Maia: Oh yeah.

Taiha: This round. 
Kayle you have A.
Leroy you have C
and Maia you have B.

Maia and Kayle: Wanna swap?!

Maia and Kayle: Sounds good!

Leroy: I'll stay over here then!

Maia: I am going to win this! I can feel it!

Kayle: Awww yeah! Here comes another win!

Leroy: Great... ANOTHER loss... Can't I just get one key?!
Taiha: Sorry Leroy. Maybe next time!?

*       *       *

Kayle: Why is it that we're always the final 2 together?

Maia: Mmm... Probably plot convenience.

Taiha: Maia and Kayle. A and B respectively.

Maia: I'm happy with A if you're happy with B.
Kayle: I am MORE than happy with B!

Taiha: Alright enter the rooms and lets find a winner!

Kayle: What?! I can't B-leive this! Awww I was so hoping I'd win again!

Maia: Wait... Gold?... Or yellow?...... I... I-

Maia: I WON! YES! I WON!!! In your face Kayle! I didn't come second for once!
Taiha: Congratulations Maia! You have earned your first attempt inside the Treasure Grid at tonights Square Ceremony!
Maia: Woohoo!

Taiha: Thanks contestants.

*       *       *

Round 1 - Eliminated - Noah - D
Round 2 - Eliminated - Regina - A
Round 3 - Eliminated - Leroy - C
Round 4 - Eliminated - Kayle - B
          Winner - Maia - A

Round 4:
How much is the new Locked House currently worth?!
Answer: $570,386
Maia: $136,500 - A
Kayle: $80,000 - B

Maia was closest and picked the correct key. So either way Maia won! XD 
I thought it was interesting to note.

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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