Sunday 11 January 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 4: Games Within Games

Episode 4
"Games within Games"

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Regina: So, Kayle... You ready to win another challenge?

Kayle: I don't know... Two wins in a row seems like a lot... But YEAH! Of course I'm ready to win! Are you?

Regina: Mhmm... I am feeling it... It's my time to win!
Kayle: What about you Noah?!

Noah: I actually believe it's my time to win.
Regina: We'll see about that!

Kayle: How's the breakfast coming along?

Noah: I'm going to be honest with you... I have no idea what I am doing. I've become used to going out for dinner... or getting take-away... or eating space food.

Regina: Well you volunteered. Without Devon, the food in this house is lacking... And I don't think Kayle can survive without it. We can't risk her getting any skinnier!

Kayle: And what exactly is that supposed to mean?!
Regina: Nothing.

*       *       *

Shia: *sighs*... It's definitely hurting that Devon had to leave... 
Leroy: Yeah. I know exactly how you feel... She was a great gal!

Shia: Also. It turns out she really was the best cook among us. Perhaps the only cook among us!

*       *       *


Regina: Do you smell smoke? I smell smoke!
Kayle: Yeah... Smells delicious!
Regina: What? I'm serious! Theres smoke!

Noah: Awwww hell!!! I've cooked a fire! Run!

*       *       *

Shia: It's very sad that she had to leave.
Leroy: It is... And it will be for everyone when people leave... But do you know what you have to do?

Leroy's hand: "Always look on the bright side of life!"
Shia: You're right. I have to stay positive... And that means, I'VE GOT A WHOLE ROOM TO MYSELF!!! ヒップヒップ万歳!!!

Shia: Leroy are you alright?
Leroy: Yahhh. Still woozy after Zaire's breakfast...

Leroy: Just joking... I'm fine. What were you saying?
Shia: This also means more space to play my games in this game. Get it?

Leroy: Uhhhmmm...
Shia: Kay, that wasn't really funny...

*       *       *

Zaire: Hmmm...

Maia: There you are! 
Zaire: Yup... I'm here.

Maia: And why are you out here? The challenge is about to start! Are you even ready to go?
Zaire: I was just thinking about which squares I'd pick when I win!

Maia: Well thats great and all... But you won't win if you aren't at the challenge!
Zaire: I'm coming! I'm coming!
Maia: Good... You and I... We have to work together! Deal?
Zaire: Deal.

*       *       *
*The Challenge*

Voice: Welcome contestants to the second challenge.

Voice: This challenge, unlike the last one, will be split into two parts!

Voice: The first part you will have to win points in a video game on these computers... There should be a total of 5 to collect.

Voice: Once you get you're 5 points... Or if you run out of time, how many points you have... You will need to divide them up and put them in other player's crates.

Voice: The player with the least amount of points at the end of the challenge will be the winner and will get a chance tonight to dig in the Treasure Grid! Good luck!

*       *       *

Voice: Alright contestants... Your time starts... 

Kayle: This is a fun challenge... I might win again for a second time!

Leroy: This isn't so hard... Last place here I DON'T come!

Shia: Video Games... They call this a challenge?

Shia: It's been 10 seconds and...

Shia: DONE! Piece of Cake!

Voice: Shiawasena has achieved all 5 points and is heading to the crates!

Shia: Who will I put these in? Hmm... All 5 in one crate doesn't seem like too bad of an idea? Or is it better to split them up between everyone?

Zaire: Man this... This is intense! I'm almost done... Just a few more!

Regina: This is so... FUN! I wanna do this challenge every time!

Noah: This is getting harder now. Thought it was going to be simple!

Maia: This is making no sense to me... What exactly do I do? You didn't explain the rules very well!

Noah: DONE!
Voice: And Noah has earned all 5 points!

Voice: Zaire has ALSO completed the challenge and earned 5 points!

Zaire: Noah! Wait up!

Zaire: Who are you going to target?
Noah: People... You?
Zaire: If you don't go for Maia and I... We won't go for you. Deal?
Noah: Yeah. I guess so.

Voice: Kayle?
Kayle: Oh... Right... I finished before... I just wanted to check my emails first!

Voice: And Kayle has apparently finished with all 5 points! Time is running low contestants!
Leroy: DONE! I'm not coming last this time! HA!

Voice: Leroy has completed the challenge! The clock is ticking Regina and Maia!

Regina: Uh... I got distracted with how fun this is! I'm nearly done but I'm running out of time!

Maia: I still have no idea what I'm doing but... It's working?

Voice: Less than half a minute left girls!

Kayle: Go Regina!
Noah: You can finish this!
Regina: You know what! 4 points is good enough! I don't think I'm going to make the last one in time!

Zaire: Come on Maia!
Leroy: You can do it Maia. Last place is not a good thing! Trust me!
Maia: I'm coming!

Voice: Regina and Maia have both finished early... Just in time too! The challenge is over... Everyone you have just a few minutes to place your points.

*       *       *

Voice: Alright contestants... It's time to open up your crates... Lets see who our winner is... Remember it's whoever has the least points in their crate!

Voice: Maia?

Maia: I have 6 points.
Voice: Well you are technically in the lead.
Maia: Go me?

Voice: Noah?

Noah: 7... Damn.
Voice: Thats not enough to beat Maia... I'm sorry.

Voice: Regina!

Regina: 3!!! Woo!
Voice: Regina... You are now in the lead!

Voice: Zaire? Do you have 3 or less?
Zaire: I hope so...

Zaire: 5... *sigh*

Voice: Shiawasena! 
Shia: はい!

Voice: 7 as well... Too many... Regina is still winning on 3 points!

Voice: Leroy.

Leroy: Numero Uno! 
Voice: Only 1 point... That means Kayle has to have no points otherwise we are going to a tiebreaker!

Kayle: I got this ready!... Watch!

Voice: 4!
Kayle: I don't got this actually.

Voice: Which makes Leroy our winner! Leroy you will have a chance to get a key in the Treasure Grid tonight!
Leroy: Sweet! Last place to first! This game sure does change fast!

Voice: Congratulations Leroy (Alleen) you are our winner.
Everyone you may now head home!

*       *       *

Noah (5 correct) - 7
Shia (5 correct) - 7
Maia (4 correct) - 6
Zaire (5 correct) - 5
Kayle (5 correct) - 4
Regina (4 correct) - 3
Leroy (5 correct) - 1

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens 
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
幸せな   バーベキューグリル by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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