Sunday 18 January 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 6: Brains vs Brawn vs Bananas

Episode 6
"Brains vs Brawn vs Bananas"

*       *       *

*The Elimination Night*

Kayle: I'm so nervous for this elimination. Everyone is going to be against me! I'm going home tonight! I have your vote right? DO I HAVE YOUR VOTE?!

Regina: Of course you have my vote. You'll do fine. Worry less. You're up against Brains and Brawn. Everyone is equally a threat!

Regina: Oh... And I asked Noah to come here to see if he'll help us in our voting. Though I have no real clue where he is.

Kayle: Why do I feel like he's not on our side anymore?

*       *       *

Noah: So Zaire... On a scale of 1 to infinity how certain are you that you're gonna stay?

Zaire: Man, I am beyond infinity! I am so sure I'm staying!

Maia: Well its good that you're confident. But you still have to expect the worst, right?
Zaire: Nah. If you stay positive, good things will happen!

Noah: So... Who are you guys going to vote for?

Maia: I think we've been over it. We're both certain on voting for _____. 
Noah: Right. I'll join you in that vote then.

*       *       *

Shia: You think I have what it takes to stay? I really do not want to go home so early. It would be devastating.

Shia: I am afraid no one else will vote with me.
Leroy: I'm on your side. I'll help with your voting. I know Devon would have too.

Leroy: Hey. Like you always say! You're here to win... AND get that highscore! We're going to the end. You and I!

Shia: That is right. The top spot is mine. 私は勝たなければならない!
Leroy: So do you reckon we should both vote fo-...

Leroy: Hahahey Zaire! How's it going?
Zaire: Alright. Getting ready for the elimination. Hope I am not interrupting.
Shia: ノー. We are just getting ready too.

*       *       *

Maia: I am looking mighty FINE in this dress tonight!

Noah: Maia. Do you really trust Zaire? Are you certain that he's not a threat to you?

Maia: What kinda question is that? Of course I do! Zaire is lovely to me. He's my closest friend here.
Noah: Yeah me too... I was just checking is all.

*       *       *

Regina: Where the hell is Noah?! We have to be outside soon! He needs to be here discussing the votes with us!

Regina: Oh no... No no no!
Kayle: Huh? Whats going on?
Regina: Do not tell me he is in there with Zaire and Maia!

Kayle: He is. Seems like he isn't on our side after all.
Regina: That backstabber! He said he'd be here with us.

Regina: This house is starting to divide. I don't like this.
Kayle: I'm screwed aren't I! With Maia, Zaire and Noah, and Shia and Leroy. I have only you.
Regina: Lets just hope they vote each other out. We can do this girl!

Voice: Contestants. Final call to get ready and head to the backyard. The elimination ceremony will start when all are present!

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome contestants to the Elimination Ceremony. This is technically the first one because last ceremony was cancelled due to Devon's departure.

The three nominees are: Kayle, Shiawasena and Zaire.

Voice: Kayle... Wearing a different dress?
Kayle: It's my nominated and up for elimination dress.
Voice: Right...... How do you feel being up for elimination?
Kayle: I'm proud to be the first girl up... But I'm also scared because I don't really want to leave here!

Voice: Shia... It's your second time up for elimination. Are you scared?
Shia: はい。私は非常に怖がっています!
Voice: And in English that is?
Shia: My apologies... It is hard to stick to one language when I am so nervous. I am extremely scared!

Voice: Zaire... Its also your second time for elimination. Are you feeling nervous at all?
Zaire: I'm quite confident actually. I know I have some faith that I'll stay. I hope that I don't sound too cocky for thinking that way.

Voice: Right. Well contestants its time to vote. There is a room which none of you have found or entered yet.

Voice: The secret voting room.

Voice: In this room one by one you will all cast your votes to eliminate one contestant.

Voice: Leroy you're up first and we will follow that order.

*        *        *

Leroy: I choose to eliminate _____.

Regina: I choose to eliminate _____ because I want him/her to go over the other two nominees.

Kayle: I vote to eliminate _____ because i just haven't gotten to know him and he seems like he is eyeing my key... what? Were you expecting me to rip off lord of the rings? I'm not that petty.

Shia: I choose to eliminate _____. It's nothing personal, you just sometimes annoy me a little, like Baby Peach.

Zaire: I choose to eliminate _____ because um, it isn't me.

Maia: I choose to eliminate _____, because I have to vote for someone and s/he is who I've connected with the least of those up for elimination. 

Noah: I vote to eliminate _____ because the aliens told me to!

*        *        *

Voice: All your votes to eliminate have now been submitted. One of you is about to be eliminated.

Voice: Lets start with one person who is safe shall we? With the least votes to eliminate... On 1 vote... The first person safe is...

!!! Zaire !!!
Zaire: Alright! I knew I was safe!

Voice: Which means either Kayle the Key Holder... Or Super Shiawasena is about to go home.

By a vote of 5-1-1

!!! Shiawasena !!!

Voice: Which means Kayle you are safe.
Kayle: Wha?! I am?

Voice: Sadly it is time for you to head home Shiawasena.
Leroy: No! Why him?

Leroy: I am so sorry... I didn't want to nominate you and I was hoping we'd be in the finals together.
Shia: It is ok. You were a great friend for sticking by my side.

Shia: Goodbye everyone! It was a pleasure to play with you all!
Regina: Cya Shia. We'll all miss you.
Zaire: Good luck man, we'll all see each other soon!

Voice: Shiawasena it is time to go.

*       *       *

"Well, it was nice being here for the short time it was... Er... Good luck for you guys!
Shoot! Getting killed by the first Goomba in World 1-1! >:c"

Voice: Congratulations remaining contestants... You have all survived the first official voting ceremony. Sadly for us we have just lost Shiawasena... But this is the game and we all have to move on with the contest.

Voice: Thanks contestants you are free to go!

*       *       *
Thank you Vul for submitting Shiawasena... He was awesome to have here and I kinda wish he'd have lasted longer. I feel like he had so much unused potential. >.<
Sorry you had to be the second to leave... And the first one to leave via a vote.

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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