Tuesday 13 January 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 5: Rollercoaster of Luck

Episode 5
"Rollercoaster of Luck"

*       *       *
After the previous challenge, at the Locked House.

The contestants relax as they await their second Square Ceremony.
Kayle practices her musical talents on the piano... Lets just say... She puts the NO in PiaNO.

Regina decides to catch up on her soap operas... We've lent her the series box set. 

Shia and Leroy battle their minds in a friendly game of chess.

... However, Leroy's mind is on something else... Which Squares he wants to pick in the Treasure Grid!

On the other side of the house... A new alliance seems to be forming between Zaire, Maia and Noah.

Could this be the start of a division in the house?... Eh... We'll see next episode or sometime in the future I guess!

But as for right now... The contestants are heading to the Treasure Grid awaiting Leroy's choices.

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome contestants to your second Square Ceremony.
First lets enjoy a few questions. Shall way?

Voice: Leroy! How does it feel to have gone from last place to first in just two challenges?!
Leroy: I'm definitely seeing my luck turn around... It was all bad in the beginning: Last place, Nominated, Devon leaving unexpectedly. But now, I've won a challenge, I'm in the Treasure Grid today too! Luck is turning around for me.
Voice: Lets hope that the Treasure Grid keeps your luck going from now and into the future.

Voice: Kayle
Kayle: Howdy!
Voice: What's it like to be sitting down this time and to not be in the Treasure Grid?
Kayle: Meh. You can't win them all... At least I won't get tired and I can just relax in this comfy chair!
Voice: You do know that chair is for nominated people right?
Kayle: Why do nominated people get all the comfort?

Voice: Shiawasena. Fastest in the challenge... But not the winner? Are you shocked?
Shia: ノー. It was a matter of luck and strategy. It depended on what others did as well.
Voice: And you were the only player to use all 5 points on one player... Did it help?
Shia: It definitely stopped them from winning. Leroy was bound to win. おめでとうございます Leroy.

Voice: Regina and Maia. What happened during the challenge? Both of you did not gain all 5 points. Why?
Regina: I know for me. It was just a matter of, I was really distracted playing the game... At one point I forgot I was on the show. Thought I was just having a fun time!

Maia: Well... As for the oldest contestant here at 31... And a teacher... I don't really have a lot of experience with video games. So I mostly had no idea what was going on... However, it did allow me to gain 4 points. Which was a good enough score.

Voice: Noah. At the challenge today, we saw a deal being struck between you and Zaire. Is this the start of an alliance?
Noah: We did add a little bit of teamwork in the challenge today... It didn't really work though.
Voice: That didn't really answer my question. Is there an alliance brewing?
Noah: Uhhmmm...

Voice: Zaire? Is there some strategy starting?
Zaire: Well everyone has their strategies, don't they?
Voice: Hey! I'm asking the questions here! Alliance or no alliance? 
Zaire: There may be an agreement starting between myself, Noah and Maia.
Voice: Thank you.

Voice: Alright Leroy. It's time. Stand up and make your first choice!
Leroy: Sweet!

Leroy: I know exactly what ones I'm going to pick. Lets start with the corner!

Leroy: I choose the Letter A for Alleen.
Voice: Who? Who is that?
Leroy: You know I'm not quite sure... Its a nice name though.

Leroy: Red. Dang... Incorrect?!
Voice: That is correct.
Leroy: Wait so it is correct?
Voice: No I mean... Nevermind. Its wrong. Sorry.

Leroy: Well then my next choice is obvious... L for Leroy!

Leroy: The suspense!!!

Voice: I'm sorry it's another blank square. No key here.

Leroy: It's ok... My luck will save me... Third times the charm right?

Leroy: And that is why I choose T!

Regina: You can do it Leroy!

Maia: We believe in you!
Zaire: Come on buddy!

Voice: I am so Sorry Leroy... That's three blanks in a row. No Key this time.

Leroy: Aww crap! My luck better not be going downhill now!

Leroy: I'll be fine... There's always next time right?
Regina: Yeah of course!
Shia: Your luck will turn around again soon!

Voice: Alright lets look at the nominations that Leroy has unknowingly picked!

Square A...

The Person Nominated Is:

Voice: Shiawasena! Again.
Shiawasena: とんでもない!Not again!

Voice: Please take the Nomination Seat.

Nominee #2... Square L!

The Person Nominated Is:

Voice: Kayle!
Kayle: No!... Well... Its not all that bad... I'm in this comfy seat.

And finally... Square T!

The Person Nominated Is:

Voice: Zaire... Again.
Zaire: Aww man... Twice in a row?

Voice: Well... It seems Shiawasena and Zaire are yet again up for elimination!

Voice: However, it seems that Kayle and Leroy have swapped roles since last time.

Leroy: I swear this was not intentional and I am not out for revenge. I am so sorry guys!

18 Squares Left
7 Keys Left
11 Blanks Left

Voice: Oh! And before I forget... Next challenge will have not one... but two winners!
Since Leroy failed to find a key, the next elimination (after this one of course) will not happen... So instead we'll just have two challenges!

*       *       *

Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens 
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
幸せな   バーベキューグリル by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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