Wednesday 21 January 2015

Locked: Season 1: Episode 7: Mines Games

Episode 7
"Mines Games"

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*Maia and Zaire enjoy some dinner*

Maia: What? You keep looking at me. What's going through your head?

Zaire: Nah.. Its, its nothing...
Maia: No, go on.
Zaire: Just uh... Do you wanna go on a date with me sometime?

Maia: Um... Well... Look. I'm only recently divorced. I don't know if I'm ready yet. I'm sorry.
Zaire: It's all cool. Take your time.

Maia: Oh what the hell... Yes! I'll go on one with you... Maybe after the show?
Zaire: Awesome!

Leroy: I just wanted to say goodnight to you all!

Maia: Goodnight Leroy. See you in the morning.
Zaire: G'night man.
Leroy: You'll all be happy to know I will be sleeping nice and soundly in my new room!

*       *       *

*       *       *

Regina: Psst... Psst. Noah... Psst Noah wake up. 
Noah: *grumbles* Whaaaat?
Regina: We HAVE to talk. 
Noah: Right now?

Noah: Do we have to talk right now? I mean can't it wait until morning?
Regina: We need the privacy. Plus its the only time I can pry you away from Zaire and Maia.

Regina: So whats the deal?
Noah: The deal?
Regina: You and Zaire and Maia? I thought you were on our side?
Noah: There are no sides!
Regina: Shh keep it down.

Zaire: *snoring*

Maia: Hello viewing audience... Yup... I have to pee... Its late at night but I really need to pee. Thank you.

Maia: *peeing*

Maia: Much

Maia: Is that Noah and Regina? At this hour? Whats going on in there?

Regina: So what your saying is...?
Noah: I'm just trying to keep their votes on my side. Why do you think that Shia got the boot and not Kayle?

Regina: So you're really on our side?
Noah: There isn't sides... Its an open house. 
Regina: Sure. Well all I wanted to know was you're not betraying us?
Noah: Betrayal... This is what its about? Man, I'm going back to sleep!

*       *       *

*The Next Morning*

Maia: Hope you all like eggs!
Regina: Eggs sound good right about now! I'm starved!

Zaire: So I said... *continues with irrelevant story to Noah*
Leroy: Morning all!
Regina: Good morning.
Noah: Good morning Leroy!
Zaire: Are you even listening?!

Regina: How did you sleep in your new bed?
Leroy: Excellent! 
Regina: Oh. Kayle wanted to speak to you? I think.
Leroy: Oh... Ok?

Maia: Eggs?
Leroy: I'll get some in a minute.
Maia: Ok.. You're loss.

Kayle: I've been expecting you Mr Blond!... Uh... I mean Leroy.

Leroy: Ummm... How did you know it was me?

Kayle: I didn't... Can you believe that wasn't the first time I tried that? Regina was so confused.

Leroy: So what did you want to talk about?
Kayle: I wanted to make you an offer you can't refuse... But you're allowed to refuse if you want to!

Leroy: Alright that is?
Kayle: You join me in an alliance and we win challenges together and agree to not vote out each other! The Golden Blondshells! Seeing as we both have won challenges!
Leroy: You know what... Sounds good to me!

*       *       *

Voice: Welcome Contestants to the third challenge... The Minesweeper Maze!

Kayle: This place is huge!
Maia: And so... Beautiful.

Voice: Contestants. You will notice a grid on the ground... Right now it is 3 by 3.

Your job is to get from Square A...

Across the room to Square B in a line!

Some Squares will turn green when you step on them...

If they turn red. You are eliminated and you have not completed the grid.

The person who completes the most grids... Or makes it the furthest wins.

Voice: You may all start... Now. Good luck and stop at each square.

(The paths chosen represent the ones that the real life players gave to me.)

*First move*

Leroy: What no one is going to come with me? Fine... I'll like to see you all fail!

Leroy: Nevermind.

*Move #2*

Leroy: Oh so now you want to follow me?
Zaire: Its not following... We started differently.

*Waits for Yes or No*

Regina: Phew. Glad we made it .

Maia: I have a bad feeling about this!
Kayle: This is going to be good. Have faith Maia!
Noah: Yeah... Logically there should only be one incorrect one... Heck... Maybe even none so we all know what we are doing.
Maia: Well then I guess we've got logic on our side!

*Waits for yes or no*

Maia: No! See I told you!
Kayle: Red is good right? I can't remember... I swear there was red when I dug for keys and it was good!
Noah: No! It was bad... BAD!

Voice: Maia. Noah. Kayle. You are all eliminated and have failed the 3x3 Grid.

Voice: Please take a seat in the chairs. You can now spectate as we try to find a winner.

*       *       *

Voice: All correct.

Voice: Congratulations. Leroy. Regina. Zaire. You have all completed the 3x3 Grid. Now we will change to a 4x4 grid.

*       *       *

Voice: You may now begin the grid!

Zaire: So... Which one first?
Regina: There are so many options! 
Leroy: The lights are just... Mesmerising. 

*The first three are all correct and the same moves*

Regina: It was nice walking together... But I'm going this way.
Zaire: Have fun getting eliminated. We're going to the end! Right Leroy?!
Regina: We'll see about that!

Regina: Well... We did see about that. 
Zaire: I'm going up with her. Sorry Leroy.
Leroy: Fine... I'll keep going this way.

Zaire: Nice. We finished!
Regina: We are too good at this maze thing.

Leroy: Look guys... Not a single red... Bring on the next one!

Voice: Congratulations. Leroy. Regina. Zaire. You have all completed the 4x4 Grid. Now we will change to a 5x5 grid.

*       *       *

Voice: You may now commence the grid! Good luck all...

Voice: ...You may need it.

Maia: Good luck guys!
Kayle: Go Regina! Do it for the girls!
Noah: Go guys! Show Regina this is a man's maze!

Zaire: This way. Right is right.
Leroy: No. This way!

Zaire: At least I hope Right is right...

*waits for yes or no*

Zaire: Alright cool! Good luck guys! I'm going the right way! Get it? Right!

Regina: Don't listen to him... This is the correct way!

*Waits for yes or no*

Leroy: You're right. For now... Going this way.

Regina: Oh god... This is intense.

Leroy: We meet again Zaire!
Zaire: Fancy seeing you here. Do you come here often?

Regina: Aha! Who is making all the right choices?! Me! Thats who!

Leroy: Just because she gets green doesn't mean we get-...

Leroy: ... red. Dammit!
Zaire: You were saying?

Voice: I am sorry Leroy and Zaire. You have both been eliminated. 

Voice: Which crowns Regina the Queen of the Maze and winner of this challenge!
Regina: You could say I'm... A-Maze-Ing!

Leroy: Congrats Reggie!
Zaire: You sure beat us!
Maia: Good job!
Noah: Nice one Regina! 
Regina: Thanks guys... I'll see you all in the Treasure Grid!

*       *       *

Regina - Failed 5x5 - 2 squares
Leroy - Failed 5x5 - 1 square
Zaire - Failed 5x5 - 1 square

Maia - Failed 3x3 - 1 square
Kayle - Failed 3x3 - 1 square
Noah -  Failed 3x3 - 1 square

*       *       *

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Regina Hurst by KingSmarties
Leroy Jordan by Alleenmens
Zaire Legend by lovesstorms
Shiawasena Babekyuguriru by M13Vulpecula
Devon Chapman by Mojot89
Maia Wilkes by Carewren123
Noah Blackburn by evetfootwear
Kayle McCarther by Ninjakid150

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